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  1. S

    artistic enclosures?

    Thank you for the pictures!!! The foam in the side of the cups they drink from, correct? Do you mist them as well?
  2. S

    artistic enclosures?

    Oh I love the European mantis's. That is what my Tia was.....she died last week. She was so sweet and gentle.
  3. S

    artistic enclosures?

    Ha......I had all the enclosures prepared upon the arrival of my mantis's from Yen. I especially went way out for the Orchid mantis. When they arrived I saw the Orchid mantis was about half the size of my small finger nail and she was completely lost in her big cage. I wondered how she'd ever...
  4. S

    Yen Saw - (US)

    Yen is amazing.......very helpful, mantids arrived safe and sound and began eating right after I unpacked them. He answers all my questions quickly too. I would not hesitate to refer anyone who wants a to make a purchase!
  5. S

    artistic enclosures?

    More people need to put enclosure pics up. I am trying to decide what to do with ours. In the past, we kept them very simple........not very pleasing to the eye but the one time we did make a tank fancy with plants and such, the food stayed hidden. We use those 10 gallon tall hex tanks...