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  1. Ninja_The_Mantis

    Goodbye Sparta x

    Thankyou.. I bet she is catching crickets too. She always went a little crazy when eating lol. I found a picture of her when she was in her 4th instar: Not a very good picture, but I remember she was in a very strange mood that day XD
  2. Ninja_The_Mantis

    Goodbye Sparta x

    Well, my Elmantis, Sparta, has recently passed away. After a couple of days laying uncompleted ooths, I found her resting on a leaf. I got her out to check on her, and found she had gone. She was my last one, and i'm probably not going to get any more. RIP. Just a little note, she had seemed...
  3. Ninja_The_Mantis

    El.Mantis Ooth

    I never knew that. Wow you learn something new every day! So its perfectly normal for her to be laying. Cool I guess lol
  4. Ninja_The_Mantis

    El.Mantis Ooth

    My Elmantis, Sparta (Ikr great name of a mental mantis) has just laid an ooth, like right now. She hasnt got her wings yet, and im just wondering if it is natural for her to lay it now, and do you think it will hatch, because she is an unmated mantis? She must have laid it in the past hour, and...
  5. Ninja_The_Mantis

    New Ooth... What should I do?

    The ooth is on the netting I use for the lid of the cup I keep the mantis in. I have just carefully put the netting onto a new cup, and used some different netting for a lid for Ninjas pot. Will the ooth be okay, on the netting? it is very thin , so I dont think they can escape. I got it from...
  6. Ninja_The_Mantis

    New Ooth... What should I do?

    So my first mantis, Ninja, has laid a ooth last night, and I found it this morning. She is my first mantis (Along with Emerald who I found out she was a male :o But he/she died last weekend) and is a Egyptian mantis and I haven't mated her with any of my others, mainly because my other two are...
  7. Ninja_The_Mantis

    Leg 'trapped' in skin

    Now she isn't even letting her leg touch the ground... I am getting very worried. She has chewed the excess skin off the leg, leaving the molt leg still attached. I tried putting her back on a stick, but now she is refusing to walk on her back legs. Help? I don't think the molt will come off...
  8. Ninja_The_Mantis

    Leg 'trapped' in skin

    Thanks! I have misted the molt, and peeled the skin back to reveal more of the leg. I cant get anymore peeled off because the leg is still in the leg of the molt. I have cut all of the excess skin off the molt, leaving a little bit of it still attached to the leg. Is this okay to leave a bit...
  9. Ninja_The_Mantis

    Leg 'trapped' in skin

    Hey everyone :) Its me again XD I have got a mio mantis that moulted yesterday, and she seemed fine. But when I checked on her this morning to mist, and remove the skin, I saw she wasn't acting very well. She wasn't walking properly, and the skin was getting dragged along behind her. On...
  10. Ninja_The_Mantis

    Mites on head?

  11. Ninja_The_Mantis

    Mites on head?

    Yes... Sadly she came with a mite. But hey! Buy one, get one free! Fingers crossed, it will go when she molts.
  12. Ninja_The_Mantis

    Mites on head?

    Thanks!! This has helped. Hopefully, she wont get any more because they are now eating crickets. Hopefully they have gone now, and i cant see them on her, so i guess she is ok. Thanks everyone for all your help and suggestions :) I will continue to keep a lookout for them, and hopefully they...
  13. Ninja_The_Mantis

    Mites on head?

    They are not that big... I can only see them using a very high powered macro lens! And the mantids head is only about 4mm across!
  14. Ninja_The_Mantis

    Mites on head?

    I have found a picture of the mites before she molted. There is two on her head, one on the lower-right bit of her 'jaw' and the other on the middle of her head. Here is a zoomed in version:
  15. Ninja_The_Mantis

    Mites on head?

    I have checked the box, and there is no mites. I used the flies to feed my other mantis, Emerald, and she has no sign of the mites. Hopefully they have gone now, because she has molted. I will check because we are going to do a photo shoot tomorrow!
  16. Ninja_The_Mantis

    Hello Everyone, From UK!

    Hi! I have joined this forum, because, well, i want to be with people who like mantids :) (I dont get many from where I live) I have got four mantids, 2 Egyptian mantis called Emerald and Ninja and two mantids that i had got today, a Miomantis and a Elmantis, both unnamed. I love these...
  17. Ninja_The_Mantis

    Mites on head?

    Hi Everyone :) Me and my mum have been taking some very closeup pictures of my mantis Ninja. We have noticed some small mites or ticks on her head. I don't know what these are, or what they are doing there. On the side of her head, there is a small mite. We have wondered if they have...