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  1. Joshibbotson

    Giant dead leaf 2/3rd Instar not eating?

    She has pooped since I got her yes, quite a lot at one point I swapped her tissue to check for fresh poop in fact. Good news though I caught a house fly last night and threw that in with her and it's not there this morning :)
  2. Joshibbotson

    Giant dead leaf 2/3rd Instar not eating?

    I have sprayed the enclosure and haven't witnessed her drink any of the droplets I'm not sure when they last moulted but they could maybe be coming up to a molt? She's not as plump as i'd hope for her to be, i've removed all food from the enclosure because she really hasn't seem interested in it...
  3. Joshibbotson

    Giant dead leaf 2/3rd Instar not eating?

    Ahh so it's in their nature that they are a more passive species when it comes to food? Their abdomens are fairly full not too flat but could be a bit fuller. Would it be better to keep food out of the enclosure if she doesn't take? Also they're currently housed in dispensable plastic cups with...
  4. Joshibbotson

    Giant dead leaf 2/3rd Instar not eating?

    So i purchased a pair of Giant dead leafes from ebay (probably shouldn't have got them from ebay) the female must have eaten at least 1 since i got her and the male maybe 3 fruit flies but for at least 2 day the female just hasn't seemed interested in any FF i give her? She hasn't shown any...
  5. Joshibbotson

    Hi there!

    Hi my names Josh I signed up to this forum because I wanted to increase my knowledge on Mantid's and meet some people with the same love for them as I have! currently own: Deroplatys Desiccata x2 one female and one male both nymphs Sphodromantis lineola (nymph)