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  1. S

    Mantid behavioral diversity

    Cool! So it's well aware that you are "safe" what about other distinctly different humans?
  2. S

    Mantid behavioral diversity

    Also it helps if this behavior is something that didn't "happen this one time". similarly, please let me know if you used specific cues to get an animal to do a specific behavior. For example, this species only did this in the dark, or after eating, or before mating. etc.
  3. S

    Mantid behavioral diversity

    I see where you're coming from. I am interested in how others have commented extensively on animal "personality" as a result of handling. So this leads me to wonder, does anyone here thing that handling can do something like increase/decrease aggression? I'm really looking for anything...
  4. S

    I'm an academic interested in adopting mantids for research

    There's quite a bit of behavior carried out! A great starting point is here:
  5. S

    Mantid behavioral diversity

    Hello! So I'm a researcher that is curious about adopting the praying mantis as a model species for studying behavioral neuroscience. I've noticed quite a few interesting behaviors between different species such as threat displays, courtship dances, striking, and grooming. BUT I know there is...
  6. S

    I'm an academic interested in adopting mantids for research

    Hi there, my name is Sebastian. Over the summer I was captivated by some chinese mantids I got at a hardware store. Coincidentally, being a molecular biologist has inclined me to use these mantids as a model for interesting evolutionary questions. Hope to share and discuss with the community...