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  1. M

    Culturing Blue Bottle Flies Nasty-ness

    I don't want to dry out the medium. I want the ones I didn't harvest to hatch out and see if I can keep a continuous culture going. When you open the container there is a funky smell, but it isn't as bad as sour milk or rotting meat. I can't smell it unless I open the culture and smell it...
  2. M

    Culturing Blue Bottle Flies Nasty-ness

    Tried to attach a photo, but could not figure out how. I cracked open the culture and there are a bunch cocoons in there. Looks like they are going to the "higher and dryer" excelcelor (sp) and pupating. I added a barrier and added more dry excelceor and will see what happens.
  3. M

    Culturing Blue Bottle Flies Nasty-ness

    I will keep you posted. For those of you that are unfamiliar with this product, it smells like cinnamon and doesn't mold.
  4. M

    Culturing Blue Bottle Flies Nasty-ness

    I tried to culture blue bottle flies without rotting meat or anything stinky. I decided to try Bug Berger (Repashy) and Fruit Fly Medium (Repashy). At first it was not going anywhere. All the flies died off in the cup with the Bug Berger. Didn't see anything going on in the cup with the...
  5. M

    Homemade Mantid Feeder Fly Traps

    Is there any issue with feeding "back yard" bugs? Parasites, health issues?
  6. M

    Who am I ?

    I purchased this as a flower mantis at a show recently and didn't ask for the specific species. I have seen several that look similar. Can anyone tell me the species from the photo? Thanks in advance.
  7. M

    Hello from Sin City!

    My name is Mark and I am new to mantids. I have been breeding for 40 plus years..Rabbits, cavies, guppies, bettas, canaries, finches, reptiles, and now bugs. I have 20 tarantulas and 2 mantids with more in transit. Looking forward to learning a lot !