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  1. Kara S

    Marijuana, mantis, and feeders. Safe?

    I have a friend in Colorado who has taken a liking to my mantis. He smokes medicinal pot daily and puts all his mammals away when he does. He is talking about getting a mantis like mine, but I joked that he would have to put it away with the mammals. This started the discussion of whether a...
  2. Kara S

    Hunting behavior

    I have what has best been identified as a sphodromantis lineola. He/she, George, molted yesterday morning, making it an L4, best guess. I moved him from his enclosure to a medium deli cup to eat. I added 12 small ff, his food up until now, and one tiny wounded (I wounded it) cricket that has...
  3. Kara S

    George molted successfully!

    George had his first molt with me two days ago, and it was a success! I did nothing; George gets all the credit. He/she is happy and feeding well. Yay!
  4. Kara S

    First Mantis

    Hello all, I'm a therapist from Houston who just got her first mantis on Sunday. It's a nymph, but the person was unable to tell me anything besides, "I think it's an African species". I'm not exactly sure what I am doing apart from trying to follow advice from online sources, so if you see...