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  1. R

    newbie here - ghost mantis/humidity/misting question

    Thank yall so much for these replies ^-^ Super helpful!! :) I'll mist the glass occasionally so they'll be able to drink if they wish then ^-^
  2. R

    Hey y'all :D

    Bumma: I've chosen a ghost mantis as my enclosure may be a bit cramped for an adult chinese mantis, but I will keep you in mind when i decide to keep chinese mantids ^-^ (also I live in Texas, so shipping probably wounldn't be so bad?)
  3. R

    newbie here - ghost mantis/humidity/misting question

    hello! I plan on keeping a ghost mantis as my first ever mantis and so far I have set up an enclosure, and have recieved a ton of great feedback about improvements and such :) The temperature of my room (and inside the enclosure, i have a thermometer) is 74-76 most of the time, never dropping...
  4. R

    First enclosure, first mantis, any suggestions?

    serle: i don't have a mantid yet :) sarah k: good to know ^-^ even in the winter our house stays pretty warm :D Logan_123: I definitely think I'm going with a ghost ^-^ and I got my plants (all fake) from Hobby Lobby~ Teamonger: Michaels should sell flowers too, at least mine does! tbh...
  5. R

    Hey y'all :D

    My room is pretty humid since the door staysclosed and I've got 3 tropical fish tanks in here too lol but I'll definitely check my hygrometer :) and thank you! I'll check those sites out :) one more question: do you hand feed? or just stick em in? i posted my enclosure in the enclosures...
  6. R

    Hey y'all :D

    any tips on keeping them? or any care sheets you can point me to? I think rn my first choice is ghosts :)
  7. R

    First enclosure, first mantis, any suggestions?

    thanks for the replies yall :D izbiggs: I'll add some drainage clay ball things (i saw them in the reptile aisle, i think people use them in vivariums n stuff) under my eco-earth when I swap out the fake/dyed moss :) i don't mind hand-feeding, since i know theres lot of space to hide in...
  8. R

    Setting up my mantis vivariums

    these vivs are so dope :D
  9. R

    First enclosure, first mantis, any suggestions?

    Hi everyone! I love it here so far! :D I am considering either a ghost or chinese mantis for my first mantis, and would like to have some feedback on the enclosure I've setup. It measures 8x8x11 (its the zoomed bugarium), and when decorated like it is currently the inner dimensions are...
  10. R

    Hey y'all :D

    woah :o didn't expect so many responses tbh :o   thanks for the big warm welcome yall!! ^-^ for rn I just keep bettas (moving often makes it hard to have larger fish tanks) but I plan to get into breeding a few fish and invert species some day :D i'm considering a ghost mantis or a...
  11. R


  12. R

    Hey y'all :D

    New to mantis keeping :)  (don't have one yet, still in the research and supply-gathering stage!) other hobbies include crafting and fish-keeping Thanks for letting me join!