A Few Questions


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agent A

the autistic flower mantis
Supporting Member
May 17, 2009
Reaction score
Fort Collins, CO
can a mantis get diabetes?

how about a disease where they have no hormones to develop an adult cuticle and they keep molting until they die?

how about a pigmentation disorder?

and lastly, how about a pshyciatric condition?

I am just wondering if any of these things exist in mantids, just curious. :)

Yes, i can so imagine a mantis with a psyciatrich condition! Think of the possibilities! paranoid mantid, hypachondriach (spelt right?) skitzefrenia (again, spelt right?) I read somewhere on the forum that mantises had personalites, i didn't think he/she meant it literally!

Goshies, even more impatient for Dotty to arrive!

Who knows what she might suffer from! The possibilities are endless! (hehehe, Keptomanic mantid....Heeheehee :D )

--Robyn :D

it is quite impossible I think that a insect can get any of those conditions since it has more of a simple nervous system and digestive system and not as complex as higher animals and humans so there is no real chance of a insect such as a mantis to get any of those conditions as a mantis does not eat sugar or anything unless its trying to get them back to health by giving them honey but other then that I highly doubt a mantis has any of these problems as it does not have a liver or has any way to create or use insulin so i would not worry so much into this!

god, I hope Robyn's not right - because I suffer from all of those conditions! I hope I don't pass them on to my babies.

Bahahaha. I think sometimes that i sometimes suffer from paranoia (in all seriousness) and insomnia. And sometimes demetia too :lol:

Omg your mantis has anxeity attacks! Did you film it? SHOW MEEEE!!!!!!! :D

I don't think you could really "pass on" something like Paranoia. Unless you're REALLY paranoid, and keep[ talking about it. not that i would./..You know...Do that.... :p

can a mantis get diabetes?how about a disease where they have no hormones to develop an adult cuticle and they keep molting until they die?

how about a pigmentation disorder?

and lastly, how about a pshyciatric condition?

I am just wondering if any of these things exist in mantids, just curious. :)
pignentation, lots of albinos

Dont think a mantis can be a albino being its a skin pigment that affects humans,mammals and reptiles and amphibians I think!


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