A guide to making FF (Fruit Fly) cultures


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Well-known member
Jan 9, 2011
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Columbus, Ohio
Hi everyone. I made this exact thread in another forum where I frequent daily. I'm not sure if linking to another site is ideal or against forum policies so I just made one here and changed a few words here and there. PM for the original I made which to tell you the truth it's nothing different besides like 5 words. lol I hope I can help some people out if possible. It's really NOT hard to make cultures. I make between 5-10 cultures every Sunday. I have wingless and flightless mels along with curly wing and turkish gliders. All i need now is Hydei and golden Hydei. I like a variety, plus it's fun to experiment with all of them. With the two new chinese ooths I have now, Hydei will be needed.

This is a guide on how I culture FF's. It can be done in MANY ways. This is just one way that works for me. Experimenting is key in making cultures. Hopefully this will be a start for new mantis owners who will be culturing FF's.

First off reach into your box of 240 cups/lids (32 oz.) and get some for making the cultures. What, you don't have 240 of them just lying around. :D


Get out your media. I use this simple recipe.

6 parts instant potato flakes

1 part brewers yeast

1 part powdered sugar

It's very simple but works, for beginners simple is key. This can be made when you make cultures or made beforehand and put into ziploc bags like I have done. Even put in the freezer if wanted.


Use a half of cup of media per container. This will double when you add the liquid.



You will want to add the liquid now to the container of media. I use 1/2 cup of warm water and 1/4 cup of vinegar. Use warm or boiling water, it will make everything mix much better. The vinegar is a mold inhibitor. Methyl Paraben can also be used to prevent mold. It's available at many online websites. It's a powder. I have ordered some, but if you don't want to buy it vinegar is another solution to mold.

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The warm water and vinegar.


Normal cheap vinegar is all you need.


Just poured in liquids.


After your stir it a bit it will look like this.


Your fancy stirrin' tool. :p


This what you want the media to look like after stirring for awhile. Takes less than 3 minutes to stir them. I also push the media down a bit to make it more level. Also if you look at the pic earlier with the dry media, it has doubled since then.


The flies will need something to crawl on (you will have hundreds when it starts booming) so they don't just walk all over each other. There are many options for this. Excelsior is what I use. Coffee filters would be the second most used, but there are other options out there. I wouldn't mind using coffee filters or at least trying them out, just hasn't happened yet. If you do use filters, use more than a couple. Think over 5 at least folded up. For excelsior though take some out and make it into a loose ball. It doesn't need to be big, at all. Too much and your just wasting it. Just push it down a bit into the container with the media. Not alot, just so it won't move when feeding out the flies to your mantids.




After this I microwave them w/lid. This is mainly because there are things called mites, they can and will destroy your FF cultures and turn them into duds. I don't microwave for more than a minute tops for one. Two minutes for 4 cultures is usually good. Your just trying to kill any mites that MAY be in your media ingredients to start with. Your not cooking here, just nuking them for a bit. Let them cool for a bit after this.

After cooled proceed with the following.

Next add dry active baker's yeast to the culture. The flies will eat this and it's just good for the culture. NOT ALOT, just a small small pinch. Were talking 20 grain tops.


Next after this is adding the flies from an already booming culture. I didn't take pics. It's pretty simple after you make a few. Tap the established culture on the ground so the flies fall and take off the lid. The flies will climb to the top. Simply tip the established culture over the new culture and when they start to crawl out tap them into your new culture. Keep tapping them on the ground so none climb out if needed then close the lids on both when your done. 50 flies is a good number to start a new culture with. I just guess really, you will get used to it.

After this it is good to put the date/what type of FF are in each culture.


After a couple of days you will start to notice that the top layer of media is a different color. If you look closer you will see the larva wiggling around. I reuse FF cups thus the random label.


I made this on 12/26 so a week and a half later you will notice that the larva will turn to pupa on the sides of the container.


A week later and your culture is ready to feed out!!!!!!!!

Just some tips on mites. Their life cycle of a mite is around a month so it is good to throw cultures away after 4-5 weeks so you don't have a huge explosion of them. Mite are everywhere, you will get mites sooner or later. It happens, but if you notice one with mites isolate them into a different place than where you normally keep your cultures at. Some things to stop them getting into all of your cultures is mite paper which can be bought at alot of places online.

This is mite paper underneath the cultures.


Also mite spray (bird version) can be sprayed on paper towels. You then put your cultures on the paper towel to hinder the mites.


Well I think that's it. I didn't cover everything, but it should be a good start for a beginner making FF cultures. These cultures were wingless melanogaster.

If you have questions ask away or PM, and if you want the original PM me. Hopefully this helps.

Sorry it's sooooo long. I made it into one big post, but it said I had too many pics allowed so I had to do multiple posts. :unsure:

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I like it. It seems simpler than the methods I have read about before. :) I will definitely be trying it, because I have been paying mad money for cultures at my local exotics store.

The nuking of the culture just prior to adding the yeast is a good tip...I will have to try that! In addition to killing mite eggs, I'm thinking it might be a great way to kill wild mold spores (often found on the excelsior, which is why I stopped using excelsior recently).

Still going to stick with my cider vinegar, though, as I have definitely noticed an increase in population/breeding speed by using it.

Is 1 minute in the microwave a bit much, though? How many cultures are you nuking for a minute on high? Just wondering if I should make the medium a little soupy at first to account for "boiling off" in the microwave!

Edit: You've probably already seen this, but here's my thread on the subject: http://mantidforum.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=19445&st=0

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I like it. It seems simpler than the methods I have read about before. :) I will definitely be trying it, because I have been paying mad money for cultures at my local exotics store.
Simple is the way to go. FF cups are cheap, less than 50 cents easily and using 1/2 cup of media can be under 25 cents easily. The brewers yeast is what will get you, but that can be bought in bulk or had at cheaper sites then a retail store. You'll be saving money in no time. B)

EDIT: Also the FF cups are easily reuseable so all your really paying for is the media per container.

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The nuking of the culture just prior to adding the yeast is a good tip...I will have to try that! In addition to killing mite eggs, I'm thinking it might be a great way to kill wild mold spores (often found on the excelsior, which is why I stopped using excelsior recently).

Still going to stick with my cider vinegar, though, as I have definitely noticed an increase in population/breeding speed by using it.

Is 1 minute in the microwave a bit much, though? How many cultures are you nuking for a minute on high? Just wondering if I should make the medium a little soupy at first to account for "boiling off" in the microwave!

Edit: You've probably already seen this, but here's my thread on the subject: http://mantidforum.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=19445&st=0
It'll kill those mold spores too! Variation is good, I'll try the cider vinegar one time.

I don't use high that's too much. For 1 culture I usually do a minute or so. For 4 cultures (the microwave only holds 4 really) I do 2 minutes or so. It shouldn't be boiling. The culture shouldn't get dry or anything since the flies will lay eggs in under a week and te larva will defecate and move through it making it wetter. Adding in more water though is fine. The 1/2 cup of warm water and 1/4 vinegar is a guideline. I've added more and it works out still.

Edit: I scanned over your thread, nice read. One thing I noticed is that if your having problems with Hydei it's more than likey because their life cycle is around 30 days. Unlike the mels were theirs is around 14 days so it takes much longer to get things going. Also unlike the other FF kinds out there they produce one sex at first hatch so if your making new cultures with new booming Hydei's then your putting in the same sex. Better to wait a week then making new cultures from a booming culture. I have a link about it if I can ever find it in my bookmarks again.

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Hey, I sell that brewers' yeast in bulk on my site: www.mantispets.weebly.com $5.00/lb (that'll last you FOREVER!) And if you REALLY NEED more than a pound at a time, well...I can cut ya' a "bulk" deal, too! :p

After this I microwave them w/lid. This is mainly because there are things called mites, they can and will destroy your FF cultures and turn them into duds. I don't microwave for more than a minute tops for one. Two minutes for 4 cultures is usually good. Your just trying to kill any mites that MAY be in your media ingredients to start with. Your not cooking here, just nuking them for a bit. Let them cool for a bit after this.

After cooled proceed with the following.

Next add dry active baker's yeast to the culture. The flies will eat this and it's just good for the culture. NOT ALOT, just a small small pinch. Were talking 20 grain tops.


Next after this is adding the flies from an already booming culture. I didn't take pics. It's pretty simple after you make a few. Tap the established culture on the ground so the flies fall and take off the lid. The flies will climb to the top. Simply tip the established culture over the new culture and when they start to crawl out tap them into your new culture. Keep tapping them on the ground so none climb out if needed then close the lids on both when your done. 50 flies is a good number to start a new culture with. I just guess really, you will get used to it.

After this it is good to put the date/what type of FF are in each culture.


After a couple of days you will start to notice that the top layer of media is a different color. If you look closer you will see the larva wiggling around. I reuse FF cups thus the random label.


I made this on 12/26 so a week and a half later you will notice that the larva will turn to pupa on the sides of the container.


A week later and your culture is ready to feed out!!!!!!!!

Just some tips on mites. Their life cycle of a mite is around a month so it is good to throw cultures away after 4-5 weeks so you don't have a huge explosion of them. Mite are everywhere, you will get mites sooner or later. It happens, but if you notice one with mites isolate them into a different place than where you normally keep your cultures at. Some things to stop them getting into all of your cultures is mite paper which can be bought at alot of places online.

This is mite paper underneath the cultures.


Also mite spray (bird version) can be sprayed on paper towels. You then put your cultures on the paper towel to hinder the mites.


Well I think that's it. I didn't cover everything, but it should be a good start for a beginner making FF cultures. These cultures were wingless melanogaster.

If you have questions ask away or PM, and if you want the original PM me. Hopefully this helps.

Sorry it's sooooo long. I made it into one big post, but it said I had too many pics allowed so I had to do multiple posts. :unsure:
Well, i need to learn to read, :huh: , nevermind what i asked.

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That is a take on what I have been doing for years. The only difference is that I use commercial medium that includes mold inhibitor. I also don't microwave anything. I use just a tiny bit of excelsior. I find that too much makes getting the flies out difficult. For a long time I used none at all and it didn't seem to make a difference.

The other difference is that I have a hole in the side of the container to tap the flies out. Other than that it is the same thing.

Well, i need to learn to read, :huh: , nevermind what i asked.
Not sure what you asked, but lol. :D

That is a take on what I have been doing for years. The only difference is that I use commercial medium that includes mold inhibitor. I also don't microwave anything. I use just a tiny bit of excelsior. I find that too much makes getting the flies out difficult. For a long time I used none at all and it didn't seem to make a difference. The other difference is that I have a hole in the side of the container to tap the flies out. Other than that it is the same thing.
Sweet, all is good then. This isn't a ground breaking scientific method, just something that works. Glad you agreed with it and could input some info that you do personally.

Never had mites? I've never had them, but I did get a really really bad culture from Joshsfrogs that were crawling with mites. They were everywhere! So after that I don't screw around with those things.

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You should post that under his feedback, the mites were huge, wern't they? I know mine were, could see them with me naked eye! :lol:
Wow, I don't pay enough attention to mites. Springtails, I can see, though. :rolleyes:

Oh and great guide!

You should post that under his feedback, the mites were huge, wern't they? I know mine were, could see them with me naked eye! :lol:
I ordered Hydei and wingless mels like 2 months back. The mels were great and have alot of cultures of those now. The Hydei were filled with mites near the top of the media. You could see them move around and everything. I tossed them both. Members on another forum I visit daily said they had mite issues with joshs Hydei too. They weren't producing cultures either so the mites were in the media when made or just walked right in there or on the bodies from the flies put in.

Wow, I don't pay enough attention to mites. Springtails, I can see, though. :rolleyes: Oh and great guide!
Thanks alot.

Not sure what you asked, but lol. :D

Sweet, all is good then. This isn't a ground breaking scientific method, just something that works. Glad you agreed with it and could input some info that you do personally.

Never had mites? I've never had them, but I did get a really really bad culture from Joshsfrogs that were crawling with mites. They were everywhere! So after that I don't screw around with those things.
I had mites ONE time. Probably back in 04 I think. I tend to get some flies from one place and keep breeding them for many months. So other than that one time it has never been an issue. I would avoid his cultures if you had that problem. I will now as well.

Now that I think about it, the little bug running around on the screen Rick, is the size of his mites when I finally thru it away! :huh: yuck, poo, nasty!

Well helps me. I'm new and i like it, specially the pictures reading comprehension challenge :stuart:


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