A little help please?


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May 12, 2011
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Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Hi, my name is Patrick,I'm from Victoria, Australia and I'm new at this site and of course i LOVE mantids.

BUT, recently I have been having alot of trouble finding a mantis. I'm not looking for any specific species of mantis, in fact the only Mantis I CAN find around here is the False Garden Mantis. (Pseudomantis albofimbriata)

O.K back to the point, I can't seem to be able to find ANY mantids at all. I know its winter but seriously there has to be one around!

I have recently been finding these egg sack-looking-things but i don't know if they're mantis eggs or not!

They look a bit like this http://www.ozanimals.com/image/albums/australia/Insect/IMGP4785-w800.jpg

but a bit different.

Can anyone either tell me why im not finding any mantids, give me some directions on where TO find a mantis or tell me where to Buy a mantis or Ootheca in Victoria.

Oops, sorry I forgot to say that the things that look like egg sacks are always on the bricks on the side of the house, the only time i have found one on something other than the side of my house was once when i found one in a jar outside my house with a false garden mantis lying dead on its back next to it. But I still wasn't sure that it was a Mantis Ootheca because like i said there are HEAPS of them on the brick wall on the side of my house witch in my point of view is a rather Unusual place for an Ootheca.

also I can only find Female False garden mantids. ( I can tell because the females have very short wings and can't fly)

That is a mantis ootheca in your pic. On the side of a wall is actually not an unusual place for some species to lay ooths. Gather one up and bring it inside and it should hatch after 4-8 weeks. Welcome.
