A walk in the woods...


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Well-known member
May 1, 2010
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I'm going to continue adding to this thread through the summer.

A few new ones added below but the rest will be added as comments since there is a limit of 10 photos per entry.

Direct links to photo sets:

Posted 22 March 2012

Posted 21 April 2012

May 11, 2012 (30 photos)

Wolf Spider with babies

Back Yard June 11 2012


Took a walk along the Monocacy Creek yesterday. Not much out yet so I had to resort to flipping rocks and logs.





March 22...







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amazing...as always!

A walk in the woods was actualy my plan today, but its misting and very muggy and cloudy after a rain last night :(

I got some new camera goodies coming in next week, hopfully will keep me busy enough to keep my mind off getting a 2nd macro lens and murder my bank account :blush:

amazing...as always!

A walk in the woods was actualy my plan today, but its misting and very muggy and cloudy after a rain last night :(

I got some new camera goodies coming in next week, hopfully will keep me busy enough to keep my mind off getting a 2nd macro lens and murder my bank account :blush:
Don't feel bad. I haven't worked in over 2 years and I'm lusting after the new Canon 5D mark III that costs $3,500. :eek:

I need a rich sugar momma. :pinch:

Only Precarious would make a cricket and some dirt thing of beauty!

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great shots as always.

and dude, you do not need the new 5D Mk III....sure your still working with a croped censor, but it is one of the best croped censors in use today. the only reason to get a FF censor pro camera is if your shooting in ISO 3200+ all the time and/or you need to shoot 16FPS for sports. heck, even 5FPS is more usable (without all that extra wasted images) and prefered by sports photographers.

while we are far past film cameras (making the rest harder to say), it's the lens and the photographer, not the body that captures the shot.


your pics strangely enough make me hungry for some jumbo shrimp :)
I know! That cricket looks like it would be tasty with some cocktail sauce. :chef:

Only Precarious would make a cricket and some dirt thing of beauty!
Ha-ha! Thanx


great shots as always.

and dude, you do not need the new 5D Mk III....sure your still working with a croped censor, but it is one of the best croped censors in use today. the only reason to get a FF censor pro camera is if your shooting in ISO 3200+ all the time and/or you need to shoot 16FPS for sports. heck, even 5FPS is more usable (without all that extra wasted images) and prefered by sports photographers.

while we are far past film cameras (making the rest harder to say), it's the lens and the photographer, not the body that captures the shot.

Hmmm... Seems I get different opinions from everybody. From what I understand full frame sensors are just all around better quality. I have to use my Photoshop magic to eliminate all the color noise in the backgrounds with the T2i and the blurred gradients in the background are even worse. And as you know, proper lighting is always an issue with macro. The ability to use a little less harsh light without fear of increased noise would be great for that.

Those were the main reasons I was considering going full frame, but I will also be making large format prints for gallery shows this summer - maybe as large as poster size if I can afford it - and noise will become an issue, or so I suspect. And full frame allows a wider angle for landscapes, which is what I will be getting into next. Looking forward to exploring HDR.

The only negative I can see is my DOF may decrease because of the advantage of having an image cropped by smaller sensors. Yet I have seen really incredible macro photos taken using the 5D. I'll have to put more research into this and possibly rent a 5dmk3 before making a decision.

Thanks for your input. I know you've got way more experience than me.

before I finish your PM, I wanted to give extra input here on the 5D Mk III...

yes, I agree with everything you say, but let's face it bro, that's a huge chunk of change. I think you should do like me and just rent when needed.


before I finish your PM, I wanted to give extra input here on the 5D Mk III...

yes, I agree with everything you say, but let's face it bro, that's a huge chunk of change. I think you should do like me and just rent when needed.

Renting is for jobless losers... Hey, wait! That's me!

I will most likely rent one and judge whether it's a worthy investment or not. I've got some music gear I never use that could get me enough money easy. Then I could look at it as a trade.

Anyone need a Roland TR-808 drum machine? :D Going rate: $2,000

Sold I'll take it, wait can you play PS3 Rock band with it?

I feel your addiction to wanting better and better, I used to always have to build a new computer every 6-9 months just to have the fastest on the planet, but for half the price, then I realized it was a endless fight that I could never win. After all 200 fps looks just as good as 400 fps to the naked eye, and 100 fps is all you need?

I agree with Harry, your money may be more useful elsewhere, but thats your call my friend? ;)

Sold I'll take it, wait can you play PS3 Rock band with it?

I feel your addiction to wanting better and better, I used to always have to build a new computer every 6-9 months just to have the fastest on the planet, but for half the price, then I realized it was a endless fight that I could never win. After all 200 fps looks just as good as 400 fps to the naked eye, and 100 fps is all you need?

I agree with Harry, your money may be more useful elsewhere, but thats your call my friend? ;)
It's not so much I want to own the newest and fastest. More that I want to be the best I can be at something I pour my heart and soul into. It would be an investment in my developing skills. I spend countless hours taking photos and working them in Photoshop. A full frame sensor would make every shot I take look better than it ever could on the T2i. I couldn't care less about fps. In fact, there are quite a few features I don't care about. I just care about image quality. Everything else is icing on the cake.

I'm seeing a thousand-fold return on my $900 investment in the MP-E lens. If I try out the 5D Mark III and see the potential for another leap forward I'm going all in. :D

I mean, imagine this, just cleaner and clearer... :blink: I can't imagine it. But I'd sure like to see it.


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Stacking...on my list to conqure! ....Its been since cs2, since ive even really used PS, and that was just for basic stuff, ive got a lot to learn >.<

I started taking some continuous pictures today to start practicing with LoL ......Well see HaHa

Sold I'll take it, wait can you play PS3 Rock band with it?

I feel your addiction to wanting better and better, I used to always have to build a new computer every 6-9 months just to have the fastest on the planet, but for half the price, then I realized it was a endless fight that I could never win. After all 200 fps looks just as good as 400 fps to the naked eye, and 100 fps is all you need?

I agree with Harry, your money may be more useful elsewhere, but thats your call my friend? ;)
I just saw this post now....

I used to be on overclocking web sites all the time back in the day. the computer I'm using now is from 4 years ago that I built and is still going strong. I too was just like you, but I too realised that you can never win when new video cards and new CPUs were always around the corner.

the funnt thing is, my computer is still faster then most out right now. well worth it, as long as you don't feed the PCI slots with new cards every 6 months.

