I keep all my mantises and pets in my garage (constructed into a room now)it was 100% my mealworm culture. My eyes were seriously swollen and bloodshot, runny nose, sneezing all day. I moved the mealworms in a cabinet on the other side of the room. And instantly everything went away. I feel perfectly fine now. If it was in my bed room, that would be just torture ?. Cabinet works perfectly fine and made it easier for me because now the mealworms are at the top of the oatmeal not buried at the bottom. So I just open the cabniet grab a few and put them away. Even if I open the cabniet my eye gets a little itchy but this is way better than before! Thabks everyone for tips and suggestions I really appreciate the responses.
I keep all my mantises and pets in my garage (constructed into a room now)
it was 100% my mealworm culture. My eyes were seriously swollen and bloodshot, runny nose, sneezing all day. I moved the mealworms in a cabinet on the other side of the room. And instantly everything went away. I feel perfectly fine now. If it was in my bed room, that would be just torture ?.
Cabinet works perfectly fine and made it easier for me because now the mealworms are at the top of the oatmeal not buried at the bottom. So I just open the cabniet grab a few and put them away. Even if I open the cabniet my eye gets a little itchy but this is way better than before!
Thabks everyone for tips and suggestions I really appreciate the responses.