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Well-known member
Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
Yuma AZ, where else?
Last night I watched "Machete", a good American flick, in which Lindsay "Grand Theft" Lohan appears as a nun carrying a very large machine gun, with Lisa and The Kid. Tonight we watched a good American T.V. show, "Californication". After that, there wasn't much on that we hadn't already seen, so we watched a Brit show, "The Tudors" where they all talk with really strong accents. In one scene, a king Brit is telling a fat, older Brit about how he wants to build huge gardens at a place called Hampton Court, I think, and the fat Brit tells him that it will all fade away like the glory that was Rome and the Colossus of Rhodes, evidently a pretty big guy, and that all will bow to Nature, "Annihilating all that's made to a green thought in a green shade." now I thought that was a pretty marvelous line for a Brit script writer, so I thought of making it into a poem. So far, I have just made up the verse that uses the line, which I split in two to make iambic tet:

Meanwhile the mind, from pleasure less,

Withdraws into its happiness :

The mind, that ocean where each kind

Does straight its own resemblance find ;

Yet it creates, transcending these,

Far other worlds, and other seas ;

Annihilating all that's made

To a green thought in a green shade.

So what do you think? Should I write the whole poem, or is it just complete rubbish?

Please share your opinions.
