I saw the link where the wild mantis is bent and read the comments. I so far I've had 3 bent mantids(Tenodera). 1 died a few days ago, 1 molted a few days ago now has a bend and 1 molted last night who this morning is bent. I'm not sure what the problem is. My others have molted with out problems. Is this a food issue? ( feed mostly crickets fed oranges dog or cat food and gel water stuff ). I have the cages close to each other and sometimes they notice each other. Stressed out while molting? The cages are big enough. Maybe to many sticks? Or could it be a moisture problem?I feel bad about it. As a new hobbist Iwonder if I could be doing something different to promote better health. I am learning alot from the forum as I read on and would like to breed other mantids but need more knowledge and experience. Any feedback would really be appreciated :?