oh right, i found out it was a margin-winged (Ctenomorpha marginipennis). The cerci were too long for it to be anything but a Ctenomorpha sp. The little one is the same. I have a feeling its a male from the length of the antenna and the early appearance of teeny tiny wing buds but i guess ill be able to tell better once it moults
and peter, a womans love for you should always be proportionate to the combined weight of your insects and arachnids, multiplied by number of reptiles kept in the bedroom. thats w(LOVE) = R(i + A)
so the best bet is to increase the number of any of these (all but the women, of course!) and her love (or extra women!
) will surely soon follow!
it may be of interest to note that in the case where your love for your woman is equal to that for your insects and arachnids, your woman can be assumed to be reptilian.