Anyone know much about Hermit Crabs?


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Well-known member
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
Ipswich, Suffolk
I want to get some hermit crabs, land ones (you can get them here: > Other Livestock ) But these are little too much money, there is an added seven quid postage! ive seen marine hermit crabs for about a pound, are these the same thing really? Will they survive in a dry tank living on bark?

I dont want to start buying protein skimmers and other expensive luxeries as that!



Well, funny you should say this, as I have just got into keeping hermits! I first got some from the BHS, for £2.50 each, and they were pretty cool.

At kettering I picked up a giant hermit crab, for £18...which I thought was a bloody bargain for size....

Excuse the awful photo, i took it in a rush yesterday, I'l have to get some more. I have found them very easy to keep. Mine are currently in a glas tank, with sand on one side, and pebbles on the other. I have a large bowl of water with the pebbles raised into, which allows easy access...and a few hides, etc. Never really see them much, but when they are out, they are great!

I definitely reccomend getting one ;)

I liked keeping my hermits in warm, several inches deep, sand-castle moist sand. They absolutely loved digging tunnels and mazes. It was a pain to clean, but watching them dig their mazes was worth the effort.

You you think marine hermits will survive on land?
had some hermit crabs for a while, had sand, wood, and a little pool of water. I think they died from cold though, i relied on a heat pad and also had rather deep sand that kept heat from reaching the surface. If you set theor home up right then they're probably great.

I don't think any marine animal can live long on land...

Also should this be in the vertebrate forum? I mean I know that hermit crabs aren't insects or arachnids but...i dunno....


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