are all creobroter pictipennis mantids nuts (or just mine) :0


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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
McHenry Illinois
what a difference in personality between creos and orchards! alice the orchard is so sweet and calm. the creos, cleo,neo and brandy are like energizer bunny tigresses! they hunt everything in sight, jump constantly always climbing and running all in super hero speed! i am really enjoing the creos, they are insane! creos sub a 010.JPG

That's exactly how mine are. I am also amazed by how strong they get, my L5s are taking on large crickets with ease even though the crickets are usually larger than them.

Orchids are very beautiful but they utilize stealth not speed, their way of life is to sit still on a flower/foliage(mimic)and grab unsuspecting flying insects that come to feed and pollinate. Creo's, budwings, Chinese, etc just run it down and attack for a meal. It's like comparing apples and oranges both are round and good but very different after that.

Orchids are very beautiful but they utilize stealth not speed, their way of life is to sit still on a flower/foliage(mimic)and grab unsuspecting flying insects that come to feed and pollinate. Creo's, budwings, Chinese, etc just run it down and attack for a meal. It's like comparing apples and oranges both are round and good but very different after that
yes! i really like having the different mantids with different behaviors. the ghost is really fun also. i didn't research the creos behavior so it is such a fun experience watching them develope. def one of my favs now :)

I am very excited. My littlest creo was what I thought just the runt of the nymphs just molted to adult ! It is a tiny little male for cleopatra yay yay yay.

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Haha! They sound very cute!

I'm trying to decide between Orchids, a species of Creobroter, and Ghosts.

Any suggestions/care differences?

(I'd appreciate it if you could quote this post or send me your answer in a MantidForum member mail. Thanks!)

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Hahaha I was just thinking how laid back the creos are. I can set them on one of my desk plants and they will happily chill in one spot all day. I suppose any species seems mellow in comparison to the Chinese mantis though. XD

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I am very excited. My littlest creo was what I thought just the runt of the nymphs just molted to adult ! It is a tiny little male for cleopatra yay yay yay.
so not a male after all.... just strange mini wings oh well, i am still learning....

Lucy my European is gone...Scizor my Chinese and Scyther my Multispina just passed away after being with me for a year... now I'm into my 3rd generation of mantid keeping...Creo Picti will start it off. I'll let you guys/gals know what I think when I get him or her in the morning. Excited now! Hopefully it'll cheer me up about the other girls kicking the bucket. ;-(

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Lucy my European is gone...Scizor my Chinese and Scyther my Multispina just passed away after being with me for a year... now I'm into my 3rd generation of mantid keeping...Creo Picti will start it off. I'll let you guys/gals know what I think when I get him or her in the morning. Excited now! Hopefully it'll cheer me up about the other girls kicking the bucket. ;-(
sorry about your losses... you will love the Creobroter sp. they are so active and funny to watch.
