Are Mantis Nymphs Transexual?


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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Buffalo, New York
Do we even know if they begin (L1/L2) at the same sex as when they are adult? Since we can't sex them at L1, they could be changing gender, for all we know.

What's your opinion?

LOL Really? I highly doubt it. They are hatched boys and girls and unless you perform the surgery or understand their thinking, it's impossible.

I always wanted a tranny mantis. :lol:
Haha, Tranny mantis :clown: you crack me up! But I have seen a few, OK well more than a few adult male Idolo try to mount each other (unsuccessfully I might add) not sure what happens if it's successful. :blink: :lol:

Don't think there are any? I bet theres some tranny memebers though. Now where did i leave that lipstick? :lol:
I knew it! :kiss:

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