"Bait Trap"


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Well-known member
Dec 18, 2004
Reaction score
United States
Ive got something like 5 limbata females, and no males, and its difficult to find mantids intentionally around here, so ive decided to try something new. I took a mature female, placed her in a net cage outside, and I am going to see if she can attract a male for me.

How good do you think my chances are of this working?



It may work, just be sure to check it in the early morning and periodically through the night. I tried that with a carolina female once, had one male come close over a three week period......couldn't catch him though...too good of a flyer!

Yeah check at night. Thats when the males are out and about.

This is probably a good strategy. Last year I had a female bark mantis and no male. An entomologist I know told me to try that. I found a male before I actually got the message so I never tried it, but he said it has worked for him before, so try it and let me know what happens.

I read about this in a book that says that sertain female adult mantids put of a pheromone that attracts males. (the book is grass hoppers and mantids of the world) found it at my local library. I was going to try that with a few opf my females but diddnt want to risk it.

I finally found a male! He was by one of our porch lights. Ive got him in with one of the females, so hopefully he'll make a move soon. :D



I took him out last night, as it was getting late and I didnt feel like staying up all night to watch them, and tried again this afternoon. After about 15 mins, he had mounted her. :)



