Phrynus barbadensis is a fantastic, hardy, species found only on the island of Barbados in the Caribbean. Adults are significantly larger than our little Florida or Arizona natives (intermediate to Damon but with thick, stout palps). Immature specimens are available from two broods from different parents (both father and mother unrelated). These hatched out around Christmas time and are well past early care concerns (both mothers are expected to produce broods again shortly for hatching around the same time). Barbadian Whipspider Phrynus barbadensis 3rd instar. $20 each. $18e for 3 or more. $16e for 6 or more.
Shipping $6 no lag, $22 express.
Terms of service: Payment by paypal, check, etc. accepted. Very limited trade considerations. USA only.
LAG with express one or two-day, must accept on first delivery attempt and claims submitted within a few hours of arrival. Proof of DOA photo or return as necessary. Full replacement or credit minus shipping cot.
Shipping $6 no lag, $22 express.
Terms of service: Payment by paypal, check, etc. accepted. Very limited trade considerations. USA only.
LAG with express one or two-day, must accept on first delivery attempt and claims submitted within a few hours of arrival. Proof of DOA photo or return as necessary. Full replacement or credit minus shipping cot.