Barry Mantilow - still kickin'!


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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2017
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Our Carolina mantis, Barry Mantilow, has now laid FIVE ooths (oothecas?). She seems to be doing really well. She even has her own plant in her cage now. :) I take her out every now and again and let her "free range" in my bedroom, She's been so cool to have and learn about. I will be so sad when she passes.


Our Carolina mantis, Barry Mantilow, has now laid FIVE ooths (oothecas?). She seems to be doing really well. She even has her own plant in her cage now. :) I take her out every now and again and let her "free range" in my bedroom, She's been so cool to have and learn about. I will be so sad when she passes.

View attachment 9973
That is the finest mantis name I have ever heard. 

Congrats on all the oothecas! Glad to see she is still kickin.

Good to hear your mantis is still kicking! Or should I say striking? Anyway that's a good lookin mantis and a great name!

I do have tons of pics of her! I think she's going to lay her SIXTH ootheca soon!

Well, it seems like Barry is dying. :( She was on her back today when I got home. I righted her and tried to give her some water, but she's nearly unresponsive. Her head is bowed and won't really move unless I nudge her, and even then, she's not really responsive.

Is there anything I can try or is this the end?

It sucks. Thought we'd have her a little longer. I know their lives are short, but was hoping for a few more weeks.

Last night when she was on the top of her cage, her abdomen was hanging oddly. Like it was drooping. I thought it was strange. 

I've tried giving her water and honey, but it doesn't seem to be doing anything. 

Shes sadly nearing the last part of her journey. Sorry that you came home to her like that.
I've righted her and put her on a stone from her cage. I've tried giving her water and honey, but she doesn't seem to be interested. Her entire posture indicates she seems to be dying. 

Sorry to hear she’s getting close to the end. Crazy cause my girls seem to be fine... but that probably means they’ll be gone soon as well... hope you had fun with her!

It's been an amazing (and short) journey. Just wish we had more time together! 

She's gone. I didn't expect to be this sad.  :(

What do you all do with your mantids that have passed on?

She's gone. I didn't expect to be this sad.  :(

What do you all do with your mantids that have passed on?
When my first mantis died I put her in a small box and gave her a proper burial. I felt like it was the best thing I could do as I was very attached to her

When my first mantis died I put her in a small box and gave her a proper burial. I felt like it was the best thing I could do as I was very attached to her
That's a good idea. Unfortunately, the ground has frozen here in Iowa and you can't dig into it. Maybe I could bury her in spring...
