Blind mantis ?


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May 27, 2016
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Hallo, i recently bought adult male of Idolomantis diabolica from german seller...

he was like 4 days on the way in heat isolated box and came allright.... BUT i think he is blind... He doesnt react on any moves, not eaven if i moving finger right infront of his face... Seller told me that he was in good shape, catching flyes and stuff... Well lets say that i am trust him... 

He eat flyes but i need to feed him with tweezers...

so question is : could be his vision somehow damaged on the way by 4 days of dark ? I have him like 8 days at home allready and there is no change...

is there anything i can do ? I doubt that he could do breeding... The reason i bought him

thank you for your tim...


The next time he molts he may get his sight back. Ive had blind mantids in the past. I fed them with tweezers. Mine were adult so no chance for correcting thier sight. But, they were great pets. Be patient and wait.

He is adult allready :-/
As an adult the only thing you can do is hand feed the mantis as you have been doing. There is no cure for blindness sorry to say. The darkness would not have caused the blindness either, the only possibility is from rough shipping where the mantis rubbed it's eyes damaging them (or a condition before shipping). :(


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