Breeding Orchid Mantis


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Well-known member
Mar 16, 2008
Reaction score
South Wales, UK
I put another pair together on Sunday after no success with the last female. The male is about 5 weeks and the female 3 weeks. They've connected no problem other than the female trying to brush him off initially.

He's still on her today and I've seen them connected about 5 times a day :eek: and am continuing to pile the food in with them. I've not seen the male eat though, only the female.

I know they can stay together for a long time but will he be able to mate with another female when they're done?

Also, how long should it take for the female to produce the first ooth and how long between ooths?



I put another pair together on Sunday after no success with the last female. The male is about 5 weeks and the female 3 weeks. They've connected no problem other than the female trying to brush him off initially.He's still on her today and I've seen them connected about 5 times a day :eek: and am continuing to pile the food in with them. I've not seen the male eat though, only the female.

I know they can stay together for a long time but will he be able to mate with another female when they're done?

Also, how long should it take for the female to produce the first ooth and how long between ooths?


the male wil need a few days before he will want to mate the female i sent you hasnt laid an ooth.?.i rember you saying u didnt see them conect..have u mated her again?if you have given up on her send me her back..if your willing to mate her again keep her,imo you need to mate her again!

the male wil need a few days before he will want to mate the female i sent you hasnt laid an ooth.?.i rember you saying u didnt see them conect..have u mated her again?if you have given up on her send me her back..if your willing to mate her again keep her,imo you need to mate her again!
I saw them connected a few times but haven't had the guts to leave them to it like I have with my younger female. Just afraid she'd eat him but may not produce an ooth because of her age and only got one male.

I'll send her back no probs. At least with all your males if the worst comes to the worst you've still got spares. Will you be in to collect tomorrow and I'll post her today.

Thanks for the loan btw

I saw them connected a few times but haven't had the guts to leave them to it like I have with my younger female. Just afraid she'd eat him but may not produce an ooth because of her age and only got one male.I'll send her back no probs. At least with all your males if the worst comes to the worst you've still got spares. Will you be in to collect tomorrow and I'll post her today.

Thanks for the loan btw
ok..and of course if i get her to lay some ooths il still share them with you ok..make sure its padded well when you send her.. :) . il pm you my addy ok.. :) if worse comes to worse and you need a male let me know i might have 1 spare u can have,

I saw them connected a few times but haven't had the guts to leave them to it like I have with my younger female. Just afraid she'd eat him but may not produce an ooth because of her age and only got one male.I'll send her back no probs. At least with all your males if the worst comes to the worst you've still got spares. Will you be in to collect tomorrow and I'll post her today.

Thanks for the loan btw

I've just seperated the pair after a total of 7.5 days. They've been mating constantly in this time but I've not seen the male eat anything so am a bit concerned to leave them any longer. Also no sign of an ooth yet. He was REALLY difficult to remove.

I've put the female in her old container with loads of sticks (lilac I think). How long should she take to lay and also, will the type of twigs cause any problems?

If you put a lot of smaller flies in the enclosure, the male will catch one while he's on her back. And the female will eat the rest in a few minutes:p

My female laid her first ootheca after 7 weeks( as an adult ), and was mated when she was 4 and a half weeks.

She always laid her oothecae on the lid of her enclosure. Although there where some twigs inside

If you put a lot of smaller flies in the enclosure, the male will catch one while he's on her back. And the female will eat the rest in a few minutes:pMy female laid her first ootheca after 7 weeks( as an adult ), and was mated when she was 4 and a half weeks.

She always laid her oothecae on the lid of her enclosure. Although there where some twigs inside
Thanks for the info, looks like I've still got a while to wait then :)

Same reason as I pulled mine off. He really looked like he was set to s*** himself to death :lol:
well i have 5 adult males so as the Russian would say on rocky 4 "if he dies,he dies." in a Russian accent :lol:

it was hard but i got him off in the end.

on another note my subadult females are eating lots and i have increased the heating to 90f

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6 days on and still no sign of an ooth.

The female isn't feeding as well as normal but is still nice and fat. My female Ghost seems to go off her food a bit before laying so is this a good sign?

6 days on and still no sign of an ooth. The female isn't feeding as well as normal but is still nice and fat. My female Ghost seems to go off her food a bit before laying so is this a good sign?
my ghost didnt eat before she laid an ooth..

its been about a week now sinse i mated my female orhid..shes not laid an ooth..i think we can safley say shes egg bound.. :(

On a good note iv been feeding my subadult orchids about 3 crickets every single day.i stoped feeding them flys for now..its to much hassle feeding them every day..when is someone going to bring out house flys that cant fly?lol

there so fat there going to pop..the wing buds are swollen up..looks like mayby 1 more week or so and they should shed.. :) .and all 5 adult males are healthy and waiting to do the business. :)
