Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs as food


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Well-known member
Oct 19, 2012
Reaction score
Princeton, NJ
Here in eastern Pennsylvania, Halyomorpha halys, also known as the brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) are as common as oak trees. Today was abnormally warm and the little monsters were out in force.

I captured a sub Tenodera sinensis about 10 days ago (rather surprised to see a sub so late in the season) and want to see if he'll molt to adult. This afternoon I put a stink bug in his cage - but watched carefully - to see if the mantis would find it palatable. The capture was quick (these BMSB are lumbering and stupid). At first, the mantis shook a raptor, and I worried the BMSB had a defense (perhaps the chemical that creates the stink). But eating in earnest commenced and the sub finished the entire stinker. I was under the impression these BMSBs had no natural enemies. Am watching the sub to see if there are any adverse effects, but so far he seems happy.

Technically, Tenodera sinensis is an introduced species [not native] from China all be it 118 years ago LOL.........

stinkbugs always find their way into our house... so I caught all of the ones I could find, stuck them in a net cage, added my mantis, and she has been feasting for a while now! lol she seemed full today though (they were walking in front of her and she flicked at them and even flared her wings), so I put her back in her container. The stinkbugs like to take refuge in my house during the winter, so I'm thinking maybe I will have a food source this winter lol


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