You could try to put branches, or other natural laying surfaces in the container with her. I use fake plants and/or natural dried branches.
I haven't raised Budwings, but with the species' I have kept, some girls lay on the plants, and some lay on the container. I even had one escape from a chewed hole and lay on one of my T-shirts that was in a laundry basket. :mellow:
I think that is an individual preference that is up to the mantis, whether you may like it or not.
If your container is smooth ,the oothecae will pop off easily, or even accidentally if the container is bumped, or opened. Just let the oothecae dry for a couple of days and try to gently remove it if you plan on distributing it, or if you just don't like where it is. Other textured or mesh surfaces will be a bit more difficult to remove oothecae from. Sometimes I find it neccesary to cut up the material that holds on to the ootheca/oothecae in order to save and remove it/them.
I use many containers that have the same size lids. If I have a "ceiling layer", I will just leave the oothecae until she lays 3 or 4(if the estimated "hatch due week" is not too close by that time). I will then take the ooth lid and put it on another container that I will use for hatching, and give the female a new lid.