Carnivorous Plant from my Childhood, Am I Crazy?


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Well-known member
Apr 23, 2012
Reaction score
St. Louis, Missouri
Okay, I had this really cool carnivorous plant when I was little that I bought from a hardware store. It looked like a pitcher plant, with really small, green traps. What was interesting about this plant was that the pitchers had little lids on them that would close when a fly flew in.

This plant was very small, not more an 6" tall and its pitchers were about 1.5 inches. Can someone help me ID this plant so that I could look for another one?

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I'm a terrible drawer but I mocked this up on my iPad to show what I mean. The lid on the pitcher actually closed when a fly entered. It wasn't any of the ones that you listed.

You're crazy. There isn't a pitcher plant that does that. Sorry bro

The flytrap is the only cp with an acid hypersensitivity response.

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You're crazy. There isn't a pitcher plant that does that. Sorry bro

The flytrap is the only cp with an acid hypersensitivity response.
I'm starting to think this, because I've asked other places too. But I have a pretty vivid memory of is plant.

only dionea, some drosera, aldrovanda, and utricularia show active movement. you may be thinking of how pitchers are closed before they are fully mature.

nope. Sorry. Touch plants like Mimosas dont use the acid hypersensitive response because then their leaves would disintegrate. No pitcher plants have a response anything like that

I think you have a fancified memory from childhood about a plant that intrigued you.

From your drawing I want to say a Nepenthes

From your description thinking maybe Cephalotus / That would be one heck of a hardware store find

But neither one of them move

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Ok Utricularia traps do move

But you would have to have Superman vision or a microscopy to see that / LOL

I guess you can say Dews move

But I agree with "


Not a hypersensitive response

It's more of the bug moving / Touching the sticky parts & pulling the plant/leaf onto itself


Nether look like what OP is describing

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Acctually the plant moves to curl up around the prey. I think it's like the electric signals (or something like that) that are sent out by the tendrils that are touched trigger the other tendrils to move toward it. I had the full explanation in insectivorous plants (go charles darwin!) but I can't remamber right now.

And some utric traps can reach 1 cm.

But back on topic, mime454's plant is probably just a mixture of separate memories of sarracenia and dionea. :lol:
