Catching Flies


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Well-known member
Nov 20, 2017
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I have a super tiny L3 budwing and an L4 Malaysian shield (guesstimates) .... I am still feeding fruit flies.  I have noticed with both, they make grabs for the flies, but they always seem to miss! So I never know if they are getting any food. The L4 is being fed hydei and the L3 is being fed both hydei & melanogaster.   Feeding is done by dropping 3-5 fruit flies into their 32oz cup.  A bit concerned because I don't know if they are getting enough to eat, if at all.  With the L3 budwing, I'll sometimes take him out and put him in a tiny container and mame a hydei and push it towards him. Sometimes he'll take one that way. 

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If you want to see how much they are eating, either keep track of the flies or watch the mantis abdomen. If the abdomen is slim then they aren’t getting a lot; if the abdomen is plump they are getting plenty. Post some pics and I’ll let you know. Btw A L4 shield should probably be getting bigger food by now.

@Connor Yeah, I've been trying to count but it's hard because they hide and blend in with he decor. I have some larger prey on order for the shield, but am going to go to the pet store today to see if I can get something a bit bigger to cover feedings until the new food arrives. It's just strange that they are having probs catching food. Their abdomens are definitely not plump. L4 just had a molt yesterday which could explain why she didn't eat yesterday, but I just seen her grab for 3 flies and miss.

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Yeah it’s weird that they are having troubles. Usually mantis catch their prey without fail. Maybe heat them up a bit and make sure they get some water to drink?

@Connor I mist the sides of the container every morning (just did), sometimes in the evening too. That's all I have to do to provide water, correct?  I keep it 75 in the house, so I'm going to pick up a heat mat today too. What food would recommend for the L4? She's just over an inch long (assuming you measure just the length of body and head)

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Actually if she’s just a inch then hydei would be fine. She should be able houseflies but bluebottles would be a stretch. As far as misting goes I usually make sure I spray the substrate so I can keep up the humidity. Sometimes I spray the mantis directly to make sure they drink.

I usually make sure I spray the substrate so I can keep up the humidity. Sometimes I spray the mantis directly to make sure they drink.
Yep I spray the substrate too. I'll try misting directly.  Just hand L4 out. I'm thinking now maybe she fell or something in molt? She seems not herself. Seems weak. Doesn't walk/move much unless nudged. She sits kinda low. Doesn't reach for things above her, like her head is always down. I also notice the tip of one of her back legs is dark and she keeps it sticking out most of the time. and she seems darker than usual down the middle of her back (shield area). could she have fallen during molt? I did just get her to eat 3 hydei when I had her on the back of my hand.  The first 2 is stunned. Her first grab made her almost fall off the back of my hand. She finally got it, grabbed the 2nd, then the 3rd she grabbed without me offering any help. Ate kinda resting on her elbows. She also looks dry, if that makes any sense. I think i'm going to lose her? :(

2017-11-25 09.51.04.jpg

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He she does look a little dark and weak... it could be because she just molted... but it looks a little worse than that. I’d try to feed her some honey; but just give her a few days before getting really concerned because she may just be recovering from a molt. Doesn’t look like she fell though

He she does look a little dark and weak... it could be because she just molted... but it looks a little worse than that. I’d try to feed her some honey; but just give her a few days before getting really concerned because she may just be recovering from a molt.
Ok... I'll leave her rest a bit then try honey later today. She's really hard to get out of her enclosure (and put back) because she doesn't want to move. She was active yesterday morning when I realized she'd molted. I took the lid off to spay and she climbed out and was trying to reach for my face. I put her back. Left for the day when I got back she was on the bottom of the enclosure floor and looked like this. So I don't know what happened. Even tho I have to assist her, she's eating tho (and good appetite) - thats a good sign right?  

Also, just to give me a idea, should the nymphs be eating every day, and approx how many flies is good for a girl her size?  I have no idea since i'm new and i'm not finding much info online.

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Hm not a good sign if she was at the bottom of the enclosure. Could just be hungry though. Glad she is eating. What I do for feeding is just make sure they are plump. If it’s been like 4 days and they are still plump I still feed them just to get something new in their system. Nymphs that age could eat every 3 days to every day. Depends on the keeper.

Hm not a good sign if she was at the bottom of the enclosure. Could just be hungry though. Glad she is eating. What I do for feeding is just make sure they are plump. If it’s been like 4 days and they are still plump I still feed them just to get something new in their system. Nymphs that age could eat every 3 days to every day. Depends on the keeper.
I'm hoping she was looking for food. The bottom had moss and the flies tend to hide in it. I got her up off the ground and replaced the moss and lined the bottom with paper towel instead, and added a few new flies (this was yesterday evening). She has not been back to the bottom since. She mostly just hangs where i put her. She did just seem more alert since I fed her. I can see her head moving and looking at any movement from me or the flies. I don't think she wasn't doing that earlier. 

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Ok well maybe she just needed some food. Hopefully she will feel fully better here soon.

@Connor I wonder if she could be dehydrated? Not sure how fast they can become dehydrated, but she ate over half a wax worm on Wed when I unpacked her. She only had maybe a couple fruit flies before her molt then nothing at all yesterday. I've never seen her drink the water droplets.I hadn't been spraying her directly (just did, she didn't seem to like it tho). Also is bottled water ok to use?

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If she was dehydrated she would drink the water off of the container next to her. Bottled water is fine. I use tap lol

Yep, no problem. Best of luck. And don’t hesitate to ask any questions.

Update- I tried giving Femme Fatale some honey last night but she wouldn't take it so I left her alone the rest of the night. She did't move from her spot all day. This morning I took her out so that I could get a better look at her and she is doing much better. He's standing upright again and no signs of weakness. Her color is still off but better than yesterday. I think she injured one of her back legs before it fully hardened because the foot part is all black now. But she ate 2 hydei and was curious and a bit active when she was out. I think she'll be ok :)
