Cheech, Chong, Ferdinand, Paully


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Well-known member
Aug 31, 2012
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I've had this species so many times but I still find it so exciting watching them grow! Each individual is always special, no matter how many times you've owned the species.

My little Mori died completely unexpectedly. He seemed absolutely fine the night before, I'd fed him a cockroach and a bit of a little worm. Then I woke up and he was at the bottom of the container, dead. So weird, I've never been surprised by a death like that before, I can usually see it coming.

So now when it comes to Tenodera sinensis (I feel like saying "sinensiae" for the plural form lol) I've got 5. Cheech, Chong, Ferdinand, Paully, and Saunder.


(L5, definitely female. I love this shot, Cheech is such a model. I've got her container surrounded with green and yellow, it's definitely showing.)


Not sure of the sex quite yet, I want to say female, but that face is saying male! Males tend to have faces like a miomantis. This one's container is surrounded by green, yellow and blue.


(L5, definitely male, he's got some green leaves at the bottom of his container but as you can see, there are sticks along the top, and that's what he molts from, so it makes sense that he's brown. I don't mind, I like brown too! I've just never had a completely green adult, my last ones turned brown after the last molt, I'm assuming because they were surrounded by brown after those molts.)


L5, pretty sure he's male but not positive. This one has unique colors, green/brown, not fully green or fully brown. This one's absolutely nuts, jumping and running and fast as lightning, can't get him to stay still sometimes. I named this one after my best friend.

And well Mori died, and I haven't downloaded the photos of Saunder yet, but I will later on. There will always be photos!!

Wonderful ! By far my favorite species. I've got Leonardo, Pegasus, Papillon, Scamper and Sebastian and one currently unnamed @ L2 (tomorrow or Monday L3). Also brought in Abigail who is a female Platycryptus undatus (jumping spider). She's promised to help me overcome my arachnophobia in return for juicy, gut-loaded crickets.

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Wonderful ! By far my favorite species. I've got Leonardo, Pegasus, Papillon, Scamper and Sebastian and one currently unnamed @ L2 (tomorrow or Monday L3). Also brought in Abigail who is a female Platycryptus undatus (jumping spider). She's promised to help me overcome my arachnophobia in return for juicy, gut-loaded crickets.
i love them, theyre awesome. big, beautiful, easy, intelligent, interactive. good names! haha youd kept six too? coincidence! id have 6 but one suddenly died, i didnt see it coming at all. was doing fine the night before. i fed him an outdoor cockroach and a tiny worm and the next morning he was dead at the bottom of the container, it was a real shock. might have been the prey or maybe it was related to the black spot he had on his abdomen which came about just after the most recent molt. the others are doing great. im doing an experiment with them, by surrounding them with the colors i want them to be, lets see if it works! awesome, enjoy your jumping spider! id kept a bold jumper before, they have beautiful blue or green metallic fangs. at the moment i have a tarantula, swixter. i used to be more afraid of spiders but got used to them after a couple years ago when i kept an argiope aurantia, huge orb weaver. ive learned that spiders and beetles and bees, none of them will harm you, unless you give them a reason too. like if they feel youre a threat.
