Chinese Mantid eating question?


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Active member
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
Pocatello, ID
I just captured 2 females yesterday and they are in separate cages. They both have been hanging upside down on the lid of there cages. I introduced a cricket to each of them and they won't eat. Is this normal?



Seems normal. Most mantids hang from the lid. Make sure the cricket can climb up towards them. You can add something rough against the side or a stick. If they are hungry they often go after the food.

Here is some pictures of each one......



They look healthy. Maybe they just need to adjust to their new surroundings. I don't think that they are T. sinensis/Chinese mantids though, T. sinensis has a green stripe down the length of their wings which I don't see in your pics.

I really don't know. But M. religiosa/European, seems to be pretty common in eastern Washington which is kind of close to Idaho, maybe that's what it is. I'm sure someone else could tell you more definitively. :p

Well i think they are m religiosa, and that seems normal when they're caught. You have to remember these wild caught guys arent used to being confined.

From the pic of the second one, I think it looks like a Mantis Religiosa (European), as I can see the eye spot on the upper part of the arm. They will probably eat when they have become more accustomed to their new home. Also, they may not be used to crickets so much as they would flying insects such as flies or moths. Mine are kind of afraid of grasshoppers and crix, but will attack a blue bottle fly or a moth quickly. I'm definitely not an expert, still a newbie breeder myself, but giving you info based on my personal experience thus far. Good luck with them!

I appreciate all the advice...I went outside to the porch light and grabbed a couple moths...They both have the eye marks on thier underarms....

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Those are not chinese, those are europeans. Both species come in green and brown. Color is not how you tell them apart. The care is the same though.

I woke this morning and each had devoured the moths. I see one moth wing in each cage. They left no carnage from those moths whatsoever. I need to get more moths, but its really cooling off here in SE Idaho.

if its getting cold you might want to set up some fly cultures. you cant rely on wild caught moths for ever.

if its getting cold you might want to set up some fly cultures. you cant rely on wild caught moths for ever.
She's absolutly right! The temp will be dropping soon. You should really look into purchasing some blue bottle fly pupea, or spikes!

They are both very lovely Mantis religiosa females. :)
