Chinese mantis nymphs dying


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Well-known member
Jan 21, 2021
Reaction score
Seattle, Wa
My chinese nymphs have been dying on me, some have reached their second molt while others have been dying right before it. Looks like their hind or fore legs get almost paralyzed. My relative humidity is at around 60% and the temperature is usually around 72°F. They are being housed each in separate plastic containers with ventilation. The top is paper towel. They are feeding off flightless fruit flies, 4 a week per mantis. No signs of mold in the fly cultures or enclosures. 2 light mists a week, making extra sure to wipe away any larger droplets. I had 200 and now I'm down to 20. I have never found chinese mantis L1 nymphs to survive well, any advice?

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die offs are usually pretty bad with Chinese. I would up misting and maybe up feeding a bit as well depending on the size of the fruit flies. 

Usually if nymphs drop outside of a shedding, it is a sign that their conditions are too stagnant/humid. At the same time, this is a species that really likes to drink so if you are misting only 2x a week they may not be getting the water they need. Personally, for this species, I find communal set ups with nymphs in net cubes to work better at raising robust nymphs. You will loose a few to cannibalism, but I find I can easily get a bunch of nymphs through their first few sheddings this way.

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Usually if nymphs drop outside of a shedding, it is a sign that their conditions are too stagnant/humid. At the same time, this is a species that really likes to drink so if you are misting only 2x a week they may not be getting the water they need. Personally, for this species, I find communal set ups with nymphs in net cubes to work better at raising robust nymphs. You will loose a few to cannibalism, but I find I can easily get a bunch of nymphs through their first few sheddings this way.
Thanks, all are doing much better now after their second molt. They pretty much always have access to water droplets during the day.
