Chinese Ootheca


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May 8, 2012
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Hey All! This Friday it will be 3 weeks since I took My Ootheca I received earlier that week out of fridge and put it in its hatching home, Humidity has been at least 60 or higher for whole time and i misted few times too, Was told by person i got it from people were saying thiers hatched in bout 2 weeks or little more! Was wondering if theres any changes or ways to tell if they are nearing getting ready to hatch? I want to catch it on video cause i know it only takes bout 2 hours. One more thing i have had a wingless FF culture ( the small ones ) since put egg in habitat and any day now will have tons of FFs hatching too from the latest hatchings, afraid the culture wont last another 2 weeks etc, was wondering if I should buy the bigger FF culture to least have those too handy just in case? Thx in advance and looking forward to hatching and keeping and breeding some kewl pets... I'm in NW indiana area (chicagoland) if anybodys near also a Mantid Freak.... ; )~ heres pic of ootheca


they take 6 weeks to hatch when put in the warm area, dont know who would tell u otherwise, and misting it is good, so are the flies you have, u will have to keep the cultures going too.

6 weeks average, 4 weeks min. I would say it would not hatch any earlier than 4 weeks after incubation. Otherwise I would say you are very prepared! I really like the way you set up your hatching cage!!!

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It has been 2 months, 8 weeks and no hatching for my egg there hope...or no?

I bought 3 from Arbico and 2 hatched. One hatched after 2 weeks and the next hatched at 4 weeks.....

Is 8 weeks a lost cause?


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