Cilnia humeralis


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Well-known member
Jun 28, 2015
Reaction score
Phoenix, Arizona
I wonder if anyone has this species around the US hobby. It seems to be dead. I also wonder if there are any other species that are dead in the hobby? 

@KevinsWither Doubtful anyone in the US has the species, after all the species commonly available in the US hobby is much fewer than those found abroad. The species isn't dead or extinct though for sure, and does come up online from others in the hobby (not to mention those still found in the natural habitat). If your interested in obtaining the species try running a classified ad for them to see. :)

Again depending on your definition/usage of the word "dead", if it means a extinct species (I personally do not know of any species) or simply a species that passes in and out of the hobby depending on availability (Nearly all species are not available 100% of the time in the hobby and do that, the few exceptions are Ghosts (Phyllocrania paradoxa) or Orchids (Hymenopus coronatus) that are typically available all the time). ;)

Here is a video of the Wide-armed mantis (Cilnia humeralis) from August 19, 2016...

I love the look of them, but if you are looking for aggressive speices similar I would try gaint African mantids or iris. My iris female will sometimes kill a meal worm or her meal just to take a few bites and make sure it's dead. I do live the little saddle wings in this speices 

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I love the look of them, but if you are looking for aggressive speices similar I would try gaint African mantids or iris. My iris female will sometimes kill a meal worm or her meal just to take a few bites and make sure it's dead. I do live the little saddle wings in this speices 
Good species recommendations, and I agree that the wings look great. They look like the saddle on Yoshi from Mario Bros. games, especially the earlier games. :D

I was meaning the species in the hobby itself. I am also surprised that orchids are in the hobby almost all the time.
I would recommend you write it as you just explained, for future posts to avoid confusion. Yeah the Ghosts (Phyllocrania paradoxa) and Orchids (Hymenopus coronatus) are the most requested/sought after mantid species by a large margin it seems, so the breeders tend to try and keep them available. Also due to their species popularity there are simply more mantids around to breed, and by others too. :)

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Good species recommendations, and I agree that the wings look great. They look like the saddle on Yoshi from Mario Bros. games, especially the earlier games. :D
Thanks. Wow now that you say it, they do :) I love there arms and just everything about this speices is cool. They would look even more like Yoshi is there wing saddle was red! LOL :)

I was meaning the species in the hobby itself. I am also surprised that orchids are in the hobby almost all the time.

C. humeralis was one of my favorites to keep but I haven't seen them in years. 

I've seen orchids get very scarce too. 

The wide arm mantis was beautiful, they have been gone for years now, I seen someone have them on facebook, but that was a year ago.

they were also the most aggressive species I have kept.

Shamelessly bumping this thread (rather than creating an ad since I'm also genuinely curious on the status of C. humeralis  in the US).
