crazy idolo stopped eating flys, he likes chinese?


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Well-known member
Feb 21, 2012
Reaction score
Joliet MT
So my lone idolo just molted to l4 2 days ago and well he still wont eat flies, or moths. I've tried to tweezer in smaller flies and moths and even box-elder bugs but he just swats them all away. Well i have about a thousand little chinese mantis and a few are free in their room where i have an indoor garden. They are great at munchin up the few little misquitos and gnats that buzz around the grow light. And when i am around, i let the idolo bask under the 400 watt grow lamp. Well all the little babies have the same idea and well he's been sitting at the top of the plants waiting for little babies to climb up been snatching them up.

i am just figuring to give it a day or 2 more b4 i get worried about this as i don't get stuck feeding my mantis other mantids, just don't seem right. At least with all my hatchlings starting to molt i know where to send the mismolts... and speakin of I had an l1 eat an l2 this morning, I had just tossed in pile of fruit flies that previous night too. I figure they prolly where after the same fly and mr or mrs l2 got caught in the wrong place

I had the same problem when my idolo molted to L4 or L5 (not sure). But he wouldnt eat for what seemed like a week. Then one day he stopped swatting and being scared of the flies and started running after them (which he had never done before) and catching them and eating them. So don't worry, maybe hes just not as confident in his new sized body.

well he took a big wc fly this morning I was gonna feed to my L6 multispina, but gave him a shot at it first. I will also chase the nymphs off the plant he hangs out on from now on.


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