Crickets Dying Off


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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
B'ham, AL
I've recently had a rather scary experience (considering I have 2 frogs with huge appetites, as well as 2 mantids) My crickets have just been randomly dying. :hang: For a couple of hours before they croak, they flip over onto their backs, have what looks to me like a seizure, and then just die.

This all started when I caught a wild field cricket in my basement (I named her Jing Jing) The morning after I caught her, she started exhibiting the seizure-like symptoms and then died maybe 2-4 hours later. That day, I went down to the pet store and got 1 adult cricket and 1 dozen small-medium crickets. The next day, my adult cricket, whom I had gotten as a pet and named Milo, started exhibiting the same symptoms and shortly died. The small crickets seemed fine, until the last few days (1 week later) I've gone from 7+ crickets down to 2 in the span of 3-4 days! I've never had a die-off like this. Any Idea what could be going on? At first I thought it might be our good friend Mr. Cricket Paralysis Virus, but the seizure-like activity suggests it might be something else. :helpsmilie:

Sounds like it may be some type of poison. Would suggest scrubbing all containers and rinsing throughly with fresh or distilled water. Are there any types of automatic sprayers for like mosquitos or something in the area that may be effecting your crickets? Just a few avenues to investigate......

Get rid of them and throw away the equipment used with your current crickets. Get a fresh batch from a different source and start over.

Well, I have had similar problems with crickets...they can be quite touchy. I usually just get rid of my current batch of crickets clean out their enclosure with hot water, and then start all over with new crickets. Even better, you could use an entirely new enclosure for them, too (I use kritter keepers). Also, did you keep the field cricket you found with the feeder crickets? I'm wondering if it could have had some kind of disease or been poisoned with pesticide, fertilizer, etc.


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