Crickets VS grasshoppers


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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2012
Reaction score
Colorado Springs
ok I couldnt find any grasshoppers today so I went to the local snails n tails and got some crickets..........crickets make noise grasshoppers don't crickets seem to be fragile where grasshoppers seem to be tough and lastly hubby said you better feed off them crickets in a hurry they are annoying

chirp chirp chirp -guess there will be cricket tar tar tomorrow even though everyone was fed today I see fat little bellies coming....

I don't know much about grasshoppers but I usually just buy a bunch of the small immature crickets cuz they don't keep me up at night chirping

I like the sound of crickets. I must be alone in that regard.

I like the sound of crickets. I must be alone in that regard.
They help me sleep.

I fed my guys Hoppers for a couple days. Mantids only ate the little ones. Had one grasshopper that was like a battling ram. No one would eat it. I let it go because I was afraid if he hit one of my mantids he may kill em.

I like feeding hoppers off my dads garden... Eat his tomatoes...death sentence! I don't make it out there enough though... So I catch a lot more moths.

I went and caught more hoppers and put them in same container as the crickets and the crickets are still a chirping

i just witnessed an epic battle with a huge hopper and my mantis. she grabbed the hopper and the hopper jumped across the tank with the mantis still holding on with it lol!!! it managed to flip her and was dragging her around wile she was chomping away! she's eating it now as i type and i think things are under control now. I dont think i should feed large hoppers to her anymore there kinda strong.

i just witnessed an epic battle with a huge hopper and my mantis. she grabbed the hopper and the hopper jumped across the tank with the mantis still holding on with it lol!!! it managed to flip her and was dragging her around wile she was chomping away! she's eating it now as i type and i think things are under control now. I dont think i should feed large hoppers to her anymore there kinda strong.
Lol the new episode of MONSTER BUG WARS :clown:

I prefer to feed them Hoppers, the key is to cut the corner of a ziploc sandwich bag, flip the corner over itself and secure it with a paper clip. Open the bag put it over a jar with Hoppers, get a few in there, seal the bag, and while pushing down on the bag take a pen or something and push down the Hopper's back leg at the joint. This will pop the back legs off, those back legs have a habit or raking my mantids eyes. Also keeps them from bouncing all over the housing.

I prefer to feed them Hoppers, the key is to cut the corner of a ziploc sandwich bag, flip the corner over itself and secure it with a paper clip. Open the bag put it over a jar with Hoppers, get a few in there, seal the bag, and while pushing down on the bag take a pen or something and push down the Hopper's back leg at the joint. This will pop the back legs off, those back legs have a habit or raking my mantids eyes. Also keeps them from bouncing all over the housing.
Or what I do is take a pair of tweezers and squeeze the joint that causes the bend of their jumping legs and the back legs either becomes paralyzed or fall off.....problem solved...

Quick cricket fact for getting the temperature...count how many chirps per 14 seconds then add that to 40 and that is your temp (however it is fahrenheit reading) pretty accurate too!

Large hoppers can be tough. I just crush their knees so they can't use their powerful legs. I found a bird grasshopper in my garden yesterday. Those things are huge.

Large hoppers can be tough. I just crush their knees so they can't use their powerful legs. I found a bird grasshopper in my garden yesterday. Those things are huge.
Did you use it as a feeder? I caught one of those and it was at least 3 inches long.....huge....after thinking about it I decided my girls didn't need the grief so I released it. I also caught a giant Katydid with the big hunched back, then thought about it for awhile and decided to release it as well.


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