Culturing HF/BB's?


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River Dane

Well-known member
May 25, 2017
Reaction score
California, USA
So I looked online and didn't see much about culturing houseflies and blue bottle flies, so I was wondering if anyone here had experience with this.

I don't like the idea of having flies in the refrigerator with the food, so is it possible to culture them like you would with D. Hydei and Melanogaster?


Pretty much any thread about attempting to culture blow flies of any kind ends in tears as its very smelly (they need rotten meat to breed or something that at least smells like it from what I've read) and often times not overly successful. I know I have read a few threads on how to raise blow flies on the forums and none of them where very encouraging.

An alternative to blow flies are black solider flies. You can usually buy their larva (phoenix worms) from reptile feeder stores. I raise my own BSF because you can do it inside quite easily so long as you have a window to put them in and with proper maintenance they don't smell nearly at all (at worst like slightly overripe fruit before they manage to eat it all). 

Also you could think of setting up blow fly traps outside during the summer at least such as

@Teamonger I read your guide and it made me think; could you possibly start a fruit fly culture simply by adding fruit to the fruit flies habitat every now-and-then?

No that will not work on a long time basis. This forum has been active since before 2005 to the best of my knowledge. The question of FFs has been covered many times. Raised FF for many years for rare tropical fish, so not use fruit, please.
