Dedicated Caresheets for Feeders?


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Well-known member
Oct 3, 2016
Reaction score
Reyjavìk Iceland
Seems it might be awesome to have caresheets for the feeders as well as the mantises. A mantis is only as healthy as its food after all. 

Much of the starting hickups seems to be around the feeders (or it was for me).

I would be happy to start up caresheets for the feeders I've cultured to start if others like the idea.

We have a lot on fruit flies, too much too read on one day. What feeders are you thinking of?

I was thinking Crickets, meal worms, roaches, wax worms (CosbyArt already has a nice one on these I believe so perhaps not needed), isopods, and anything other then fruit flies which are easy as pie. I'm going to try to write up a meal worm one this weekend as that is the feeder I have the simplest set up for and the most success out of everything I've raised so far.

@Teamonger Nearly all feeders care are easily found online, but having them all here would be convenient. One thing that would help is to put together a template, like the caresheets have, that way members could find the information they need easier. Anyone want to tackle a template guide?

To save on sticky posts and make the information easily found for everyone perhaps add the caresheets in a single thread too.

I'd be more than willing to put together a handful of the caresheets too once it gets going, and fill in any gaps with the many feeders I've kept. :)

I ended up with a flu this weekend so I did a lot of couch sulking and not a lot of anything else including getting this ball rolling. I'll try again this weekend.

@Teamonger No worries, get feeling better. If I managed to do everything I wanted the days would have to have many more hours, just the way things are, life is always in the way. ;)
