Did not expect it...but thrilled!


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Well-known member
Dec 24, 2010
Reaction score
Gainesville, Florida
As many of you may know, many people are eager for my Gonatista grisea ooths to hatch to spread this specie into culture.

Well the adult female that I received from Richard, a fellow mantis hobbyist knowledgeable guy, laid an ooth while in his care was nibbled a little so when he gave me her, he also gave the ooth. Now this happened about 3 months ago, and recently it had mold growing out of it like a piece of bread, so I separated the ooth as to not harm the other ooths. I planned on tossing the ooth because of how long I've been incubating it and nothing hatching, and then the mold just re-inforced my motive to toss it. Well, I had it out on the bug table, to air out and remove the mold and forgot about it for 2 days, until last night I came home to seeing a little nymph run across the table, then the chair, and bed, and curtain....I was shocked! Did not expect anything to hatch from it at all! Looked to see how many had hatched and counted 6-8 little cap silk things after a mantis hatches...and eventually found 8! Now we know she is fertile and her ooths! :D See pics below... (the comparison shot is next to a US penny, the word "Liberty" is shown...)


Thanks for looking! ...hopefully the other ooths hatch out more :D

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Too funny! Good luck with the rest of the ooths bud. It seems common for the 1st ooth to hatch less than the following ones, my guess is they don't get evenly fertilized like the 2nd, 3rd, etc do sometimes.

Congratulations Andrew! Gives me a glimmer of hope for Nikki's (assumed dud) ooths.

Really like the first nymph shot. What equipment did you use?

Thanks guys! I was just surprised that anything hatched after molding over many times...despite my efforts in ventilation...

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prepare yourself....

Samsung Galaxy S3 phone with micro lens magnetic attachment :blush: :blush: :blush: ...take that all you expensive micro cameras! :tt2:
That's really amazing! Do you have a link to the one you use? I hope they make something similar for iPhone!
What a fantastic-looking nymph! I love the pictures, great job with those!

Even though I can tell they're really small, they have a "ready to take on the entire world" look to them!

What a fantastic-looking nymph! I love the pictures, great job with those!

Even though I can tell they're really small, they have a "ready to take on the entire world" look to them!
Thank you!...they run as if they don't have a care in the world...little energetic tanks :D :tank:

That's a great story. Congratulations.



I knew he was going to say a cell phone! :lol: Nice results though.
;) honestly, if someone told me that this kind of photo was taken with a cell phone, i would not believe it...it is a great phone!

Congratulations again on the hatch! What cute little nymphs. That first nymph image is pretty sharp.

Good luck with them!
Thanks, yeah i was trying to get better shots, but didnt have the right ligthting, and hard to take when they stop running for one sec to only start running again :p

That's really amazing! Do you have a link to the one you use? I hope they make something similar for iPhone!
Thanks! http://photojojo.com/store/awesomeness/cell-phone-lenses/ ...it is really made for iPhone, but it works fine over the SGS3's camera (a square shape) ...its a magnetic ring that sticks quite well to the area around the lens and then the lenses just magnetize on, magnetize off ;)

Good news. Nymphs always seemed pretty hardy to me.
