Discoid roach colony


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Well-known member
Jun 28, 2015
Reaction score
Phoenix, Arizona
After a few years (from when I first was on this forum) of debating and trying to get started in the hobby, I have managed to find 100 subadult discoid roaches. Now I am setting them up in a bin (45 litres, hinged top). Will they work for food for many insects and lizards? I decided to choose discoids due to the looks and how they can get quite large.    

Are they fast enough to attract mantids? How can I raise green banana roaches? Any example setups? 

After a few years (from when I first was on this forum) of debating and trying to get started in the hobby, I have managed to find 100 subadult discoid roaches. Now I am setting them up in a bin (45 litres, hinged top). Will they work for food for many insects and lizards? I decided to choose discoids due to the looks and how they can get quite large.    

Are they fast enough to attract mantids? How can I raise green banana roaches? Any example setups? 
@KevinsWither Yes any movement is enough to attract most mantids.

The other questions would be better asked at our sister forum RoachForum, join and ask there as there is where most roach keepers are. ;) Speaking of roaches did you try the ones from your last topic here?

Got 100 roaches and now they are doing fine. Enclosure seems to be at an optimal enclosure, roaches are sub-adults. I have a feeling I might need to order a few more. 
