Do i need a screen mesh?


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Nov 23, 2009
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Hi there. Well I am expecting my ootheca to hatch in a week or two. Should I line the vents to my tank with a screen mesh to keep the babies in or the vents small enough? Thanks guys.

It is just like this one

tape the vents on the underside of the lid so there is no openings and also make sure no gaps or such but using tape or something on the underside to keep the gratings from showing or you can invest in a net cube cage for the nymphs and your going to need to separate them when they get bigger and keeping them all in just one kritter keeper wont work that well!

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I have a smaller version of that one that I'm going to use too :)

I agree with massaman, and if you want to get screen mesh, knock yourself out, honey.

I took paper towel, and glued it to the top of the cage to provide a better molting surface.

I would NOT use tape. Hot glue some flexible screen mesh or better yet some very sheer fabric or netting over the ventilation slots. This has worked well for me. It's never a good idea to use any kind of tape on the interior of cages, as portions could become unstuck at the ends or edges and trap mantids, especially small ones.

Thanks guys! I am currently having a charolette's web moment here. My mantis, Rose, is dying of what seems to be old age which for me and my girlfriend is sad but yet she left us a gift, her ootheca. I do plan on try to release majority of them in the wild but do plan to keep a few. Ill post on the progress. Hopefully they will hatch soon. I just hope I don't have an empty one. Thanks again!

I would NOT use tape. Hot glue some flexible screen mesh or better yet some very sheer fabric or netting over the ventilation slots. This has worked well for me. It's never a good idea to use any kind of tape on the interior of cages, as portions could become unstuck at the ends or edges and trap mantids, especially small ones.
Yep! You wouldn't believe that it could happen until it does. Tiny nymphs seek out drops of water to drown in or sticky tape to stick to! :D

Never, ever use tape! Little mantid legs get stuck on it too easily. Those kinds of containers are not good choices for small nymphs. It isn't always the mantids you have to worry about escaping, it is the fruit flies. I would go with a different kind of container for nymphs.

Here's how to make a really inexpensive ooth hatchery/nymph cage in 15 minutes plus the time that it takes for the glue to dry.

Get a plastic container that kitty litter is sold in. If, like me, you don't have cats, get one from someone who does. Use a ruler to draw a square hole in the top and two opposing sides (just one side if you're feeling lazy), leaving enough plastic to glue the mesh in place.

Use a utility knife -- you've got to have one lying around somewhere -- to make check cuts at each corner, and then cut the marked square out of the lid and then the sides.

Cut plastic window screen into squares large enough to glue over the three (or two) holes, using hot glue or five-minute epoxy. Start by gluing one edge in place over each hole. Once the glue has set, pull the opposite side tight and glue it. Then, when that is dry, glue the other two sides of the screening. If you glue all four sides in place at the same time, it is very hard to keep the screen mesh taut.

Finally, bore/cut a 1" hole in one of the remaining plastic sides, as you would in a deli cup and stop it with a bung. This is your ff feeding hole.

When you have to clean out the cage, periodically, just leave on its side for a few hours with one mesh side up. The nymphs will move to it, making the lid removal easy. I am too impatient to do this, usually, and instead, I remove the lid, nymphs and all, and put it on another, empty container while I work on the dirty one. I made these before I got mesh cubes, but they are nice to have around. If you want something slightly fancier, cut a square hole in a third side and cover it with a piece of 1/16th or thicker clear plastic. Maybe I'll dig one out, later, and take a pic.

would love a pic phil! I'm looking to make something exactly like this.

The mesh though, I have lots of window screen (bought at home depot) lying around, and was told it would let fruit flies through.

Where is a good place to get a finer mesh?

would love a pic phil! I'm looking to make something exactly like this.The mesh though, I have lots of window screen (bought at home depot) lying around, and was told it would let fruit flies through.

Where is a good place to get a finer mesh?
Window mesh is will let ff's out. I get fine mesh from a crafts store or fabric store.


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