Dylan Dobell (NEGATIVE)


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May 18, 2006
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i wasnt going to post anything regarding this person but their attitude has swayed me into posting this comment.

i recieved an ootheca on 19th of june from dylan, for which i offered to send payment immediately. i recieved message from dylan on 19th june also telling me to hold off payment until the ooth hatched.

From : Dylan Dobell <[email protected]>

Sent : 19 June 2006 22:15:58

To : [email protected]

Subject : RE: Mantis ooths

| | | Inbox

no problem dean, glad it arrived okay. go ahead and wait till it hatches before you send off the money. (its not worth a lot to me, and i want to ensure good hatch rate for you)



on 12th july, my ooth still had not hatched, blaming nobody, i simply pm'd dylan asking whether my ooth should have hatched yet? from this point, i recieved several pm's from dylan saying he had waited over two months for his money that i had not sent and that how could i take pleasure in conning him out of money.

i have dealt with a few people on this forum, such as Ian, Rob Byatt and Julian Camillo, without ever having a problem. i just dont like being called an idiot and con artist when someone with a short term memory problem decides to change their mind about what they have already said??

it myths me, and as to this date, the ooth still has not hatched, and i have experience hatching ooths!!!!

Maybe i do not speak for everybody but personally i could not reccommend dealing with this person as they have really annoyed me for no reason!!!


I like the way he has completely ripped off my website. Obviosuly I don't have a problem with him having a vstore website as it is a public service, but when he copies word for word my shipping notice, privicy notice, conditions of use, front page notice and pretty much anything else he can, it kind of annoys me...although fair play since telling him he has changed it. It just remains that the privicy notice is still all MY own words.

Early July i was looking for an ooth and dylan was the only person who pm'ed me to say he had one and he asked me to make an offer

I did and he accepted i paid straight away and he said as he was going away he would post it on monday 24th from canada to me in the uk i beleive he did do this as i recieved it on the friday

So i have my oooth he has his payment he was quick to reply to my messages of which their were several

Up to now my experience has no problems

I will update this when the ooth hatches or when it is obviously not going to hatch

I like the way he has completely ripped off my website. Obviosuly I don't have a problem with him having a vstore website as it is a public service, but when he copies word for word my shipping notice, privicy notice, conditions of use, front page notice and pretty much anything else he can, it kind of annoys me...although fair play since telling him he has changed it. It just remains that the privicy notice is still all MY own words.
cant blame him. it is a pretty decent site. dont think of it as ripping off. think of it as a benchmanrk setting

hi All,

i purchased 2 ooths from him on july 28 and to this date i have not recieved anything. i am aware that there could be unforseable things that may go wrong or delay shippment.

my problem with him is not that i dont believe him when he claims he sent it. my problem is with the way he dealt with it. i also understand that when situations such as the one you are about to read come up its the way they are dealt with defines a person.

i will copy and paste a few emails to help better explain the situation.

I was waiting for Dylan to respond to my mail which was sent 8/5 to gain some insight on where the shipment had gone in hopes of retreaving it. in checking my outbox often i realized that, that mail was no longer there 8/7 which meant that it must have been read. i got his attention by posting an ad in the classifieds under his newly posted classified on the 9th and this is how he responded.

From: dylandobell

To: oriin

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 11:47 am

Subject: mantids

hey oriin, why are you posting stuff about me when i held up my end of the bargain but you were a f*cking retard and coulnt type your full address. spreading sh*t about me? thats not cool man when your a total dunce.

go f*ck yourself and dont buy off peeps if you cant type a f*cking area code you dipsh*t

not too thrilled about his response infact even more disapointed that he mentioned nothing about when he sent it out where he sent it from what the tracking number was nothing. here is how i responded.

hey Dylan,

thanks for getting back to my however you forgot to address my concerns about the shippment. at this point it really no longer concerns me.

however i am glad that i now have your attention after the 3 PMs i sent you in the last few days.

i will continue to have your attention until this situation is solved.

i want a full refund. oh and by the way here is the email i sent you i will make it so that my address is in bold so to make it EASIER for you to read.

From: oriin

To: dylandobell

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 12:59 am

Subject: Re: ghost ooth

hi dylan,

here is my address.

PUMA c/o Le Twan Baxter

one design center place

boston, MA. 02210

i will send you 84 CD to your pay pal account. let me know when you send them out. i would like a sybilla ooth and an p. paradoxa ooth.



p.s. maybe you might want to READ a little more carefully before you insult someones intelligence.

if there is something else you need just let me know.



his response is here:

yes thats the address i sent it to, and if you didnt recieve it then it was either confiscated for some reason, you had a holiday and havnt recieved it yet, it got mixed up or lost in the post, or you entered your postal code wrong. for your information iv been on holiday the last 4 days, and just got back to find out that not only did you not recieve it, but your slandering me and saying bullsh*t claims. if you had wiated i would have got them yesterday and resolved the issue but you had to go f*ck around with paypal and mantidforum. i will give you one week to see if you recieve it, then i will decide whether or not to refund you depending on your attitude. i would also like you to post in the forum an apology to me and explain that it was a misunderstanding on your part.

i bid you good day

still not too trilled with being attacked i responded so.

hey Dylan,

first off, i will do nothing. i didnt go on holiday as my trip was cancelled and... also stated below, i sent you an email (requesting shippment information) on the 5th which stayed in my outbox until the 7th.

which means you read it but didnt reply to it. why would you not reply?? are you not concerned about the welfare of the animals you send?

it wasnt until i contacted Paypal and wrote something in the classifieds section underneath the ad that you newly place this morning i got a response from you. why would you place an ad and not respond to my email that was read on the 7th? why?? i think any reasonable person would become supicious? wouldnt you??

i really hate to do this to anyone however by the same token i find it unacceptable to not answer inquiries when dealing with live animals and to boldly place an ad while ignoring your previous sale. i have had enough!

do you remember this PM email?

From: oriin

To: dylandobell

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 10:22 am

Subject: Re: ghost ooth

Hi Dylan,

i am just wondering if you sent the oothecea yet. I have already paid

84 CAD on the 28th of July. I havent received any thing in the mail from you?

please let me know when you sent it or if you sent it at all? as i will be traveling soon and would really like to receive the package before i leave.



here was your reply...

Inbox :: Message

From: dylandobell

To: oriin

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 9:31 pm

Subject: ooths

yep. i sent it out

it really didnt seem that you were concerned that I hadnt received the package which could have hatched while in transit.

because your last email didnt contain much i sent you a more detailed email...do you remember this PM email?


To: dylandobell

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 8:16 am

Subject: Re: ooths

Hi Dylan,

ok cool...i will call the post office but i will need some info from you.

when did you send it out?

how did you send it out? (ie. UPS, DHL etc.)?

where did you send it out from? (city, state area code)

where did you send it out too? (my address that you used?

what is your name?

sorry to ask all of these questions but if at all possible i would like to find them today as it they might be hatching soon. in this weather.

please let me know.



this email you did not reply to at all. infact, i knew you read it because it was no longer in my outbox. it had been out of my outbox 8/7/2006 which means you had been back from your "vacation" for 2 days now.

here i am waiting for your package or your email. I log to this forum this morning only to see that instead of acknowledging my inquiries you placed another ad? funny where your priorities lay.

i will tell you what is going to happen Dylan. as I have already waited a little under 2 weeks one more week is no longer acceptable.

I am giving you 2 options: 1. I will have the $84 CAD refunded to my paypal account which is [email protected] or you will supply valid information on the whereabouts of the "shipped" package and a resonable sollution or comprimise to this situation tonight at 22:00.

failure to do so will result in the second option. 2. I will post in the feedback section a lot more than just an apology. I will continue to expose my dealings with you to this forum. it seems that you have quite a track record since i bought from you...lucky for you I save ALL of my emails.

hopefully we could solve this matter like 2 adults and move on. please dont force me to do this Dylan. it has already taken up too much of my time.

you have until 22:00



at this point i was really tired and didnt want to post as i thought that maybe he would at least give a the name of the "shipping company" i would be more than willing to take the time out to call them and try to figure out what happened.

But what i ended up with is no effort on his part to solve this situation other than wait yet another week which is at this point unacceptable and less 84 CAD. i have been nice, i have not called him any names other than his own. however i cant say the same about him.

i am offended.

furthermore Dylan you asked, what did you do?

i will in closing say it to you again but MORE SIMPLIFIED so you may understand.

if you have an open deal or someone is asking questions about the shippment out of concideraton answer them before you place another ad.

1. you did not. you read my mail (gone from my outbox) 2 days before you responded. and you only responded when i posted a warning under your ad.

as sellers of live animals dont we have a responsiblity for their welfare

and a responsibility to the purchasers to whom we sell on this site?

2. how dare you cures at me and attack me for wanting you to communicate with me. what were you thinking man?

3. weather or not you "sent" the package, it is now irrelavant. i still do not have it after 2 weeks. i want my money refunded and i want it now.

i have tried Dylan but i no longer have the time for this.

it would be interesting to hear other opinions on this matter so feedback is welcome.

oh and one last thing... i find it rather interestingly convenient that Dylan posted the sale of his entire stock. which is well as i will never purchase anything from him again and nor will i recommend that anyone on this site do so.



You have probably just read my PM LB, but the behaviour of Dylan is simply not accestable. I think not only does this boy need to learn some simple manners, but also I think he is no good on this forum. I have been on the receiving side of his rude comments before, and i thought it was just a one off. I then began to realise that in fact it was just in his nature, and reading over what he said to you, that about sums it up.

Anyway, I will speak to Orin and see what he says on the matter.

If you are reading this Dylan, please be aware that I will no longer be sending any more insects to you.



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