Egg retention


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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2007
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I have a mated female orched that laid an ooth on July 13th. That ooth hatched successfully about 38 days later with about 70 nymphs. She still has not laid another ooth. She looks like she is about to pop.

I have another orchid female that became an adult about 4 months ago. She mated successfully 6 weeks ago, but has still not laid her ooth.

Tempertures are kept in the mid to hight 70's. Humidity is kept high. They are fed a varied diet of mealworms, crickets (rarely), and wild caught moths, dragonflies, other flying insects, etc.....I supplement with honey and bee pollen. Mealworms and crickets are gutloaded with fish flakes, beepollen and honey before feeding. I added several branches to their enclosuers. The first ooth that hatched was attached to the screen at the top of the cage.

Any comments or advice would be most appreciated.

I've got the same problem with my Creobroter sp. , she should lay an ooth every 7-10 days but its been a while since she laid the first 1 and she still hasnt laid her 2nd, she is very fat and is kept at high 70's in temps so i dont know whats up with her :unsure:

I have a possible situation like that here. One of mine has not laid her eggs yet but her two younger siblings have. She is very fat. I moved her into a larger cage with many places to lay eggs. In the past that has worked.
