Eggbound Mantis


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Well-known member
Apr 24, 2011
Reaction score
Wales- UK
Over the past year Ive had a couple of my Female mantis end up eggbound and never laying an ooth. These include a Hymenopus Coronatus(Orchid Mantis), a Hierodula Parviceps(Marbled mantis) and most recently a Pseudoharpax virescens(Gambian spotted) out of the total amount of females I have I *think* 3 is a number I can live with.

However,Ive been wondering for a while now, what can be done to stop any Mantis becoming eggbound.

Any tips or suggestions would be most appreciated


I had the same problem with my Hymenopus.I have been told not to overfeed them like most adult female.

Regarding Pseudoharpax,most of my first generation of females ended eggbound.My second generation(8 females) is fine (I do not feed them much and remate them every week).Never had any Hierodula parviceps.

I believe some ooth material can sometimes dry inside the genitals of the female,thus blocking totally or partialy the upcoming ooth.

I am afraid there is nothing to do.It is not always lethal and some species seem to recover from eggbound(Sphodromantis for example).i usually stop feeding them for a while and increase humidity.

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well I think what can be done is dont feed them anything like someone said in a past post somewhere is starve them and they may lay something but never tried this myself!
