Ephestiasula Pictipes Boxers L1 Help


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Well-known member
Jun 8, 2012
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Southern Maryland
Ive had every ooth here hatch just fine but Im seeing a mass die off before even L2 and its been weeks,I'm wondering if there is something I can change to improve this or if thats normal from someone who has had these before,some act like even mels are too much for them and i think that is the main cause of death,starvation. Should I be keeping these babies cooler or spraying more which seems detrimental just by their size,any help is appreciated,its a shame to get so many to lose even half at this point,thanxx!

they could use springtails, that's what I am feeding the hatchings, the mels are to big, I use my forcepts to grab a piece of charcoal and blow the springs into their cup, I don't like doing it , but it is a must, sending u springtails today!

i only got 5 out of one hatch but after 2 weeks only have one left. ive been feeding wingless mel and always see them eating but they just randomly die hopfully my last one will molt and hit its mile stone and will be strong. im keeping them at 75-80 during day and 70 at night with consistent humidity levels. good luck

E. pictipes are able to handle D. melanogaster without a problem.

I think the main problem is genetic. Years ago I had this species, bred for copule of generations. The "new" blood which are in culture now, they are really problematic with live more than 2 weeks after hatching. I haven't got second generation! :(

Ive seen some eat the mels but others either don't or just end up dead in the bottom of the cups before even molting,ive had about 5 who did molt to L2 but that is not promising the way the others who are still L1 keep dropping. Thanxx Rebecca! just didn't want to lose the majority before they even had a chance to molt,I'm keeping them at around 80 as thats what my room and the closet beside me is,and i spray and then whipe the cups out now to make sure they don't drown,its just sad
