I am from Germany.
Have never tried before, but as they have no problem to overlive for days in a box with fresh blackberry leaves, I may try it.
Looking on that way for some Mantids or ooths. What I can offer is extatosoma tiaratum, australian ghost grasshopper. Stadium between fresh born and about 3 weeks old. Out of bisexual reproduction.
So if you have some mantids or ooths for trade, we can try it.
Please contact me for further details.
I am from Germany.
Have never tried before, but as they have no problem to overlive for days in a box with fresh blackberry leaves, I may try it.
Looking on that way for some Mantids or ooths. What I can offer is extatosoma tiaratum, australian ghost grasshopper. Stadium between fresh born and about 3 weeks old. Out of bisexual reproduction.
So if you have some mantids or ooths for trade, we can try it.
Please contact me for further details.