extra long leg


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Dec 6, 2009
Reaction score
South Coast, England
Hi all iv'e got a 5 or 6 mantis that has molted but one of its legs is twice as long as the others should i remove some of the leg as it seems to in making hunting differcult,

cheers, david

I wouldn't remove it. Can you take a picture? I have never seen that.

If it is mutation (it can be) it will be better to not allow this specimen to reproduce, even if you would cut this leg.

I can think of no reason, including mutation, why a late instar mantis would suddenly develop one unusually long leg, so it probably hasn't happened! :D

My guess is that the "long leg" consists of the new, post molt leg with the inverted skin of the old molt attached to it, in which case, with a little care, you should be able to cut it off, but could you show us a pic, first?

Iv'e managed to remove it, it was a old leg still overlapped the new one, i grabbed the end and it managed to pull it off, the leg isn't fully functional but it is managing to catch prey still. Dont know why it struggled to molt iv'e got everything setup good, with temp and humi good and plenty of height!? Do they sometimes just struggle with shreadding reguardless of condition?

I can think of no reason, including mutation, why a late instar mantis would suddenly develop one unusually long leg
I once had seven legged Sungaya inexpectata (one of its front legs was splited for two on its base, it looked like "Y" letter). So many strange things can happen.

And also two gynandromorphic stick insects... One of them on photo. It is Phaenopharos khaoyaiensis, look like stick insect male, but it is false. There are no true, fertile males of this species in captivity. It is in fact mutant female.


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Iv'e managed to remove it, it was a old leg still overlapped the new one, i grabbed the end and it managed to pull it off, the leg isn't fully functional but it is managing to catch prey still. Dont know why it struggled to molt iv'e got everything setup good, with temp and humi good and plenty of height!? Do they sometimes just struggle with shreadding reguardless of condition?
Sometimes out of the blue you will get a mismolt no matter how well you have things set up.


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