I have 2 pods from mullberry farms that are loaded with 1-2 in worms and food. I got them for my panther chams but they only stare at them so i will sell them for 25 bucks shipped.
I also have 2 Carolina mantis ooths for sale 8 each plus shipping.
I have a breeding pair of carolina mantids female layed one ooth, 20 bucks shipped.
I have a dozen Madagascar hissing roaches 25 Shipped.
Butterworms 30 bucks shipped for 100. Super Nutrition for your mantids.
I also will consider all trades so shoot me offers.
I also have 2 Carolina mantis ooths for sale 8 each plus shipping.
I have a breeding pair of carolina mantids female layed one ooth, 20 bucks shipped.
I have a dozen Madagascar hissing roaches 25 Shipped.
Butterworms 30 bucks shipped for 100. Super Nutrition for your mantids.
I also will consider all trades so shoot me offers.