feeding intervals


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Oct 24, 2014
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Hey all-

newbie at this for couple months now- getting hooked and up to 5 mantids now

2 Viridis and 2 Budwings

the 5th i believe is a popa but not exactly sure- (was substituted for one i ordered but can't find the record of what was shipped)

appears to be it from pics I have seen ( really thin and stream lined body with a thin straight abdomen)

This one just molted so haven't seen it eat yet and doesnt seem interested but it seems that might be normal

would appreciate any general feedback on feeding intervals- I have been feeding every day or every other day

on average they eat around 5-7 Hydei- i did see some posts about overfeeding but hard to tell since they do take the food when given

also curious as to when I can or should be stepping up to bigger fly or cricket for food

on average all are about 1" to 1-1/4" long if they were stretched out - if they take the hydei is it better to just keep feeding those and not worry about changing food and should I back it down to every two days?

appreciate any info


With the exception of gravid females I feed every other day. Look at their abdomens to judge if you're feeding enough. The abdomen should be plump. If the abdomen is thin and flat you need to feed more. I wouldn't worry about a specific number of food items (e.g., 5-7 hydei) but instead watch the abdomen.

I feed my Stagmomantis carolina typically 2 small (half inch) crickets a day. Then about every 3rd day a break, no food, as by then she is slowing down on eating or leaving one to run loose in her habitat. I tend to over feed lately to ensure her ooths are properly developed (as I've read a female without much food will lay small or even bad ooths).

That said though - as Rick pointed out, simply watch the abdomen and feed to make it plump. It's much easier to do and judge really, than it sounds. As no feeders are the same size each feeding, and your mantid's appetite will vary.

My mantis just laid her 5th ooth today while I was at work. As I caught her in the wild, it seems she wasn't going to lay any before the frost got her. From what I read she has 1 to 3 more ooths left in her before she dies.

I am also new to this and started out asking about feeding schedules...I wanted to run it like a well oiled machine... well.. the mantis eat when they want to eat... alot also depends on the age of the mantids...and the size of food you are feeding.. The abdomens are the key.. I try to feed (mine are older now L5 and up) every 3rd day.. but I have a shelf of food refusers, I keep a closer eye on... if they run from food, I remove food and try the next day or 2... after a molt, some of my mantis eat right after molt .. some will wait a day or 2... You just have to keep on top of it... I have found there is no, sure, hard rule or accurate schedule... You will have to find your own routine... they will not starve to death in one or two days...unless very young or pregnant..

Hope this helps...

Got a picture of the mantid you are unsure of?


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