Fertile oothea??


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Well-known member
Jun 26, 2011
Reaction score
Yesterday I found a tool box with a preying mantis when I walked passed a building site. And guess what was in it...A female preying mantis laying an oothea in the tool box!! I found a small container and put the tools in it then I carefully had taken them home because I diddn't want to move the egg case to a different container in case I squished the eggs inside it.And I let the female mantis go in my garden with all of my other mantises. Will the eggs have a chance of surviving in my house scince this is my first time keeping an oothea inside my house. :clover:

PS.There is a little hole in the oothcea but it looks fine it is also looking a little black on the top :unsure:

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Most mantids hatch just fine indoors. I would use a razor blade to "scrape off" the ooth though. What kind of mantis left you this little gift?

She was a european mantis I think?? All the other mantises I've kept are the same breed. They come in brown and green. Some nymphs I found in the fish tank I have outside that was rusted were the same breed but when I found them they were brown and green there were 5 of them. They're adults now :rolleyes: PS. The oothcea lives in the toolbox now. It turns out that no one claimed the tools I found in the tool box.

It will hatch sooner if you keep it indoors.

Thanks I read all these different websites some say it takes 5 months to hatch some say 7 weekes others say 2-4 weeks wich one is closest to the correct time :huh:
