Fertile Ooths


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Apr 3, 2009
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How do you know if a ooth is fertile. There is probably no way, but if there is, even a contriversal way, I would like to know.

Just don't give me the stuff " Oh... Put it in your mouth and wiggle it with your tounge, if it feels gross, its fertile"




:p yea thats it, try it and give us the results! No way to know, Just have to wait and see if it hatches, I can usually tell if it is progressing by the weight, but it could just be me guessing and being lucky too!
I find i'm like one of those crazy types that holds up an ooth to a light bulb and can see the dark mass inside growing week by week, hey............it makes me feel better

Kinda like candling a chickens egg >____>

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I found one on my kitchen window, actually where the window meets the rail, half on the window and half on the window frame,, so if opened it would split.

I don't think it's fertile though. They all ate each other when free, and I saw no mating, and the ooth is like a deflated ooth, sloppy and all. like flat foam, so I think it's a gonner

That mantis disappeared too. She was hanging out in the window, I let her run free in the house now, for a couple weeks. Nothing for them to really eat in the house so I have to hunt them down to feed them and water them with a spritz.

Let my last one out today. It seemed like it was happy to be walking on the moon... testing it's steps and all that. An attentive cocking of the head like 'wow, this is odd' after being in the jar for so long.

It went to the pot hanger in the ceiling, and has disappeared since.

They usually end up on the sunny side of the silvered bubble wrap insulation sheet that I block most of the heat and light from the sun with. That's how the ooth got there
